Los Partidos Comunistas y el surgimiento de las guerrillas en Brasil y Colombia, 1945-1964


Nercesian, Inés

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage





176 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






This thesis work was based on a reconstruction and analysis of sociohistorical conditions that allowed or prevented the emergence of peasant guerrillas in Brazil and Colombia between 1945 and 1964. In the case of Brazil, three cases were worked on, which developed in different places and at different times of the temporary cut. In this way, the first case that was addressed was the guerrilla of Porecatú in the north of Paraná in 1950. The second case worked was the guerrilla of Trombas e Formoso in the center-north of Goiás in 1954, and finally the Ligas Camponesas of the northeast region also in 1954. On the other hand, in Colombia the trajectory of the communist and liberal self-defenses in the South of Tolima is reconstructed, which ended up becoming the FARC.

By means of the comparison, the coincidences and differences of the selected cases were analyzed, taking into account that the sociohistorical conditions behave as structures that partly conditioned the emergence and trajectory of the peasant guerrillas. However, the investigation does not consider the peasant movements and the communist parties, as passive subjects of state action and economic structure, but on the contrary it understands dialectically the relationship between State, Agrarian Structure, Communist Parties, and Peasant Movements. Hence, despite some common features in the variables, the trajectory of the armed experiences were different.

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Estudios Sociales Latinoamericanos

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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