TIC y escuela secundaria : usos y apropiaciones de tecnologías en escuelas públicas de gestión privada del conurbano bonaerense


Lago Martínez, Silvia

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186 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




Buenos Aires (province)


The aim of this work is to analyze teacher’s uses and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in secondary school and their impact in the schools daily life. We focused our study on changes and continuities in classroom practices and school dynamics of public schools with private management located in the Greater Buenos Aires. We selected two schools with running institutional projects to integrate ICT in their classrooms.

Recent studies show that the ICT educational policies in Argentina have significantly increased the access to digital technology for their inhabitants. The perspective in those studies is the first digital divide, or access divide, from a quantitative point of view. In our study, we build on these researches and focus on the qualitative aspects of ICT uses.

We selected two public schools with private management that were not included in the educative policy Programa Conectar Igualdad due to being part of the private education field. These type of institutions have developed unique initiatives on their own, pursuing ICT integration in the teaching process and school management. Schools with this profile have increased their enrollment in recent years, yet they are often not found in the education-ICT literature. This thesis aims to fill this gap by performing an empirical study of the situation concerning ICT in public schools with private management.

The appropriation of technology in teacher’s work refers to the capacity of appropriating technological objects and the meanings it implies in a reflexive way to implement them into the classroom. Therefore, we focused our analysis on the educative actor’s point of view, experiences, and representations of ICT in the classroom and in the school.

The scholar curriculum determines the knowledge deemed necessary for the student, in view of the future societal demands. Thus, we also observed the curriculum for high schools of the Province of Buenos Aires, with emphasis on the contents and abilities referred to ICT. Additionally, we inquired about the necessity and relevance of the digital capacities for the future of students and teachers.

In order to achieve our objectives, we chose a flexible investigation design with qualitative methodology, which allowed us to reach out to the subject’s point of view and the meaning that they gave to their actions. The core technique was the personal interview with a semi-structured questionnaire that enabled a dialectical approach to the appropriations and meaning that the educative actors gave to the ICT. As complementary research instruments, we also performed surveys to teachers, non-participant classes observations and we analyzed the institutional projects of the selected schools and the secondary school curriculum of the Province of Buenos Aires.

The analyzed institutions are two schools located in Banfield city, in the South of the Greater Buenos Aires. Both schools have 80% state subsidy and are in the same neighborhood. The schools’ ICT institutional projects have different origins: one is managed by a publishing company and the other is designed in-house by the school members.

Our study shows that the frequency of ICT use not only depends on the possession of technological artifacts but also on the confidence of the teachers using them and the sense of pertinence with the institutional project. Moreover, our study reveals that the technological appropriation and the teacher’s digital migration is strongly related to the degree of involvement of the school management and the existence of clear and reachable goals that engage the school as a whole.

We also observed that the teachers find positive and facilitating the use of ICT in the classroom and in other aspects of their profession as well. Both teachers and students value the use of technology for explanations during lessons because it opens up the use of innovative didactic strategies. In spite of this general appreciation, our study evidences that the most common use of ICT in the classroom is as a mere audiovisual tool as it is the case of showing content using the projectors. The mobile phones have a very important place in the classroom but its use is still controversial. In spite of the high esteem of ICT’ use among educators and students, the observed practices show a technical appropriation (object) or an adopted or reproductive appropriation (meaning).

In general terms, the teachers recognize ICTs as enabling tools for a change of paradigm in education nevertheless, they cannot envision how these changes are going to evolve. However, they refer to them as another instrument for their work In the perception of education actors, ICT are going to be fundamental for the future schools. They will allow different class formats tailored in accordance with the pupil necessities, including the training in digital abilities across all the academic courses. In spite of that the teachers consider the students as digital natives, they also affirm that the educators’ role is fundamental as guides and mediators in the teaching-learning process.

In order to achieve that, the review of the school curriculum would be a requirement for the correct and effective implementation of ICT in the classroom.

We ought to have a complete knowledge of the impact of ICT in the classrooms and educational institutions in order to facilitate more profound appropriations that will transform the educational process. We believe that the innovation in education seen from a micro-sociological perspective invites us to think about systemic changes in the world of education: the basic teachers training, the educational functions, the relationship with the students, and the ways of accessing knowledge, according to the needs of our societies.

Table Of Contents

Lista de siglas

I. Introducción

II. Presentación de la investigación

III. Metodología
1. Delimitación del objeto de estudio y opción metodológica
2. Caracterización en la región escolar y las escuelas analizadas

IV. ¿Desde cuándo las TIC son importantes en educación?
1. Marcos regulatorios para la incorporación de TIC en el ámbito educativo
2. Modelos tecnológicos-educativos promovidos a partir de políticas públicas
3. La integración de TIC en el sistema educativo argentino a través de políticas públicas
4. Experiencias a nivel nacional
4.1. El Programa Conectar Igualdad
4.2 Experiencias jurisdiccionales y el caso de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

V. El lugar de la escuela en la sociedad contemporánea
1. La escuela se erige como EL lugar para aprender sobre TIC
2. Brechas digitales y alfabetización digital: problemas y necesidades de las sociedades actuales
3. El rol del equipo directivo en la incorporación de TIC a las instituciones escolares
4. Apropiación y migración digital: los docentes y sus prácticas en el centro de la discusión

VI. La incorporación de TIC en la escuela a través de iniciativas institucionales
1. El proyecto Santillana Compartir en el Instituto Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
1.1 Beneficios y dificultades en torno al proyecto de incorporación de TIC en el INSL
2. Proyecto de Digitalización del colegio Sagrada Familia
2.1 Proyecto en marcha ISF: conveniencias y desventajas
3. Consideraciones sobre las iniciativas TIC de las instituciones analizadas

VII. Los docentes en acción: usos, prácticas y estrategias mediadas por TIC
1. Perfil del plantel docente de las escuelas analizadas
2. Dispositivos, usos y apropiaciones: antes y después de los proyectos
2.1 Recursos audiovisuales en el aula: usos y migración de dispositivos
2.2 Telefonía móvil: entre el conflicto y la apropiación
2.3 Notebooks, netbooks y software en los contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
2.4 Redes sociales en la escuela
3. Diseño curricular y TIC
4. La formación en TIC en las instituciones estudiadas
5. Consideraciones sobre usos

VIII. Imaginando el lugar de las TIC en la educación porvenir
1. ¿Nativos digitales u operadores ágiles?
2. Estrategias de migración digital: redefinición del rol docente en la educación del futuro
(Re) Definiendo a las TIC en educación: ¿nueva forma de relación social, cambio de paradigma o herramientas?
3. El Programa Conectar Igualdad desde la mirada de la escuela privada
4. Consideraciones sobre cómo se imagina la educación del futuro desde la escuela hoy

IX. Conclusiones

Referencias bibliográficas
Apéndice de tablas
Apéndice de instrumentos de investigación
1. Guías de entrevistas semiestructuradas
2. Cuestionarios auto administrados a docentes

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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