Entre la fragmentación y la integración : las políticas de salud tras las reformas neoliberales ; un análisis de las estrategias de atención a jóvenes embarazadas de barrios populares en centros de salud de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


Di Leo, Pablo Francisco

Spatial Coverage




156 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




Villa Lugano (neighborhood)


This thesis purpose is to contribute to the knowledge on implementation processes of health policies aimed at young people. It’s considered substantive to address to the implementation levels, as well as the design and planning ones, in order to analyze social policies in its complexity, and its socio-historical and relational character.

The overall objective of this work is to know and analyze the process of implementing health policies aimed at young people, especially those who are pregnant, that live in impoverished neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (CABA) and are attended in public institutions of primary health care.

The methodological approach proposed to account for the objectives of this tesis was the case study strategy. Particularly, it was selected the case of a Health Center and Communal Action (CESAC) situated near the Villa 15 which is located in the district of Lugano in CABA. The choice of this methodological strategy was based on the possibility of integrate both singulars and generals processes in the analysis, which allow us to attend to the relation among several dimensions involved in the implementation of social policies.

For the construction of empirical data, depth interviews were applied to professionals of the CESAC team. To analize that, we followed the general guidelines of grounded theory, using Atlas.ti software as a technical auxiliary. In order to articulate and combine the emergent in the testimonies and the proposed conceptual framework, three main categories were constructed. The construction of such categories enabled the expression of tensions and conflicts present in the testimonies, as well as the points in common and connections between them.

Present-past. Changes and continuities in the CESAC: The origin of the CESAC were linked to their location in impoverished neighborhoods of Buenos Aires city. It has operated in the meanings about them as institutions for the poor, with limited complexity and different from the hospital logical, based on their resources, organization and practices. This tension is also present in the history of the CESAC studied. Constructing its past raises conflicting senses between nostalgia for the time a team work was done and promoting and prevention activities were developed in the neighborhood and the discomfort and discouragement caused by the precarious conditions in which professionals used to work or the insecurity they experienced there. In this history, that is established as constituting of this present, what is assumed to be the past and a characteristic of a health center under the proposed of Primary Health Care (PHC), appears as a parameter of comparison between what is and what is supposed to be a CESAC, and therefore, how its activities should be performed, how it should be organized or how it should connect with the population.

Inside – Outside. Historical links and ruptures between the CESAC and the neighborhood: The link with the population of the neighborhood has been highlighted as a point of tension in the process of constructing the CESAC and its modalities of intervention. What is seen as signs of this neighborhood, that is to say, the poor living conditions, the violence, the lack of access to resources and a high level of mobility of its population, are understood as generating conditions of "vulnerability" and "marginalization". Based on this characterization different actions have been proposed, even contradictory ones. On one hand, based on the PHC strategy, it is supported and promoted the visits to the neighborhood as a privileged intervention. Whereas, on the other hand, these features have made professionals prefer assitential practice and remain inside the CESAC, based on those dangers. These historical conflicts and contradictions generate discomfort in the proffesional team, limiting the continuity of the proposed strategies and fragmenting the practices inside the CESAC.

Fragmentation-Integration. The scopes and limitations of institutional strategies for attending young people: In the attention orientated to young people of the neighborhood, in particular those who are pregnant, the mentioned fragmentations have expressed differences even in the definition of this situation as a problem or as an expected and natural condition in this context. This, in turn, has established differences on the approaches, even contradictions, depending on the conceptions of what it means to be young in this neighborhood, which have little relation to each other. This could be limiting the access and continuity of young in the CESAC in order to take care of their health.

From these tensions, and those that raised between the planning and coordination of the organization and the professionals autonomy to develop their practices to attend young people, should be considered as obstacles in terms of accessibility and integral care that can arise for young pregnant women in health centers. This aspects, should also be consider as important ones in the implementation of policies to provide them care in this contexts.

Table Of Contents

Introducción y plan de tesis

Primera parte: Problema de investigación y su proceso de definición

1. Construcción de problemas sociales: supuestos epistemológicos
1.1. La construcción de problemas sociales
1.1.1. Problemas que justifican soluciones: el papel de las políticas sociales
1.2. Construyendo los problemas y objetivos de esta tesis
1.2.1. Preguntas-problema
1.2.2. Objetivos
1.2.3. Abordaje metodológico

2. Políticas sociales y territorialidad
2.1. Las políticas en los barrios: supuestos acerca de lo territorial y lo local
2.1.1. Territorios y espacios
2.1.2. Lo local, lo barrial
2.1.3. Lo territorial en el campo de la salud: lo local y la comunidad
2.2. Villas y asentamientos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Una historia de integración y expulsión
2.2.1. El caso de las villas en el barrio de Villa Lugano
2.3. Desigualdades socioeconómicas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: la situación de los barrios de la zona sur de la Ciudad
2.3.1. Aspectos sociodemográficos
2.3.2. Aspectos socioeconómicos
2.3.3. Educación
2.3.4. Cobertura de salud
2.3.5. Recursos del subsector público para la atención de jóvenes embarazadas
2.3.6. A modo de síntesis

Políticas y territorialidad: abordaje conceptual propuesto
3. Lineamientos de las políticas de salud
3.1. Supuestos iniciales en el campo de salud
3.2. La propuesta de la estrategia de la Atención Primaria de la Salud (APS)
3.2.1. Salud para todos: APS como estrategia
3.2.2. Proceso de reformas: APS selectiva y focalizada
Reformas neoliberales y organización del sector salud en Argentina
3.2.3. Post reformas: la renovación de la APS
3.3. Efectores públicos de salud en Ciudad de Buenos Aires: los centros de salud en el subsector público de salud de la Ciudad
3.3.1. Orígenes de los Centros de Salud en la Ciudad
Sentidos y prácticas en torno a la APS: propuesta de análisis

4. Vínculos entre las instituciones de salud y jóvenes
4.1. Discursos acerca de las adolescencias y juventudes
4.2. Abordajes y supuestos en la construcción del “embarazo adolescente” como problem
Sobre el abordaje de las adolescencias y juventudes en esta tesis

Segunda parte: Construcción y análisis de los emergentes en los relatos

5. Presente-pasado: cambios y continuidades en el centro de salud
5.1. El presente como expresión de lo que (no) es la identidad del CESAC
5.2. La construcción de la situación actual del CESAC es producto de sus diversos pasados
5.3. Lo edilicio es una dimensión sustantiva en la transición entre el pasado y el presente
La construcción de la historia del CESAC y el vínculo pasado-presente

6. Adentro-Afuera: historia de vínculos y rupturas entre el CESAC y el barrio
6.1. La singularidad del barrio deviene de su condición de vulnerabilidad y marginalidad
6.2. Los procesos de transformación en el barrio y sus problemáticas han fundamentado las distintas modalidades de intervención del centro
6.3. Las negociaciones y conflictos en el proceso de traslado del centro incidieron en el vínculo entre la población del barrio y el equipo de salud del CESAC
La relación entre el equipo de salud del CESAC y el barrio: algunas reflexiones

7. Fragmentación-Integración: Los alcances y limitaciones de las estrategias institucionales para la atención a jóvenes
7.1. La atención a adolescentes y jóvenes requiere un abordaje específico y diferenciado del de niños y adultos
7.2. El embarazo y maternidad adolescentes son hechos esperables en la vida de las jóvenes del barrio
7.3. La modalidad de organización del CESAC fragmenta la atención de las jóvenes embarazadas
7.4. La formación y la elección del centro como lugar de trabajo expresa un compromiso con la tarea y la población
El equipo de salud y los jóvenes: hacia la construcción de vínculos

8. Conclusiones y nuevas preguntas

9. Bibliografía

10. Anexos

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Políticas Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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