Cuerpos, emociones e individuaci贸n : un an谩lisis de las experiencias de j贸venes que realizan pr谩cticas art铆sticas y deportivas en barrios populares de la Ciudad Aut贸noma de Buenos Aires


Di Leo, Pablo Francisco
Martuccelli, Danilo

Spatial Coverage




251 p.


Atribuci贸n-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Gen茅rica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




Ciudad Aut贸noma de Buenos Aires (autonomus city)


The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution to youth studies, from a sociological analysis on the characteristics of current Latin American societies, considering the way that the processes of structural transformation 鈥搃n the level of the political-economic, as well as their intersections with social and cultural ones, produce a specific way of being 'young' in the context of the production of a particular type of 'individual' in these societies. Based on this interest, pointing out the importance of spaces of sociability in the biographies of young people, the object of this thesis was to analyze the experiences of youth of popular sectors who perform artistic and sports activities in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), searching the links between bodies, emotions and mobilities in their process of individuation.

For such porpuse, this work was based on both the collection and systematization of literature on the subject; a fieldwork developed in a social organization, Circo Social del Sur, which offers clasess for free to young people in poor neighborhoods of CABA, 鈥搖sing qualitative social research techniques, in particular, biographical accounts and participation-observation鈥 and its links with conceptual tools of sociology of individuation, sociology of bodies/emotions and studies on mobilities, this study focused on identifying the main challenges that young people perceive in their biographies, the resources they access to confront them and the work they had to do on themselves to face them, identifying the processes of vulnerability in which their social experiences are conform, and the space-times and links that are significant for them.

From the analytical articulation between the conceptual framework and the empirical data built related to practices and meanings of the those interviewed, two central categories emerged. They revealed tensions between to show- to hide and to go-to stay. In connection with these two emerging categories, it was possible to identify two main challenges: the challenge of mobility and the challenge of the relationship with others, which araised as analyzers of youth experiences in contexts of vulnerability.

The challenge of mobility express tensions between desires and motivations to leave certain spaces and create, enter and remain in others. They also showed the possibilities and regulations this meant for young, and at times also for their families, in migration processes and multiple moves in search of welfare and employment opportunities, in daily circulation around the city in order to faced daily obligations, such as study, work or caring for others, and also to keep practising the activities they wished to be part of.

In the case of the relationship with others, this challenge was located especially in the experience of generating and sustaining relations or to join new social spaces, avoiding any possible conflict. When interacting, therefore, emerged specific feelings that involve a meaningful work for young people on their bodies and emotions. This supposed a process of showing-hiding what was considered acceptable 鈥揳s being relaxed, positive, cheerful, skinny鈥 in contrast with sensitivities and undesirable corporalities as sadness, pain, shyness or fatness.

The dialogue in the analysis of these social challenges revealed a particular geometry of vulnerabilities in which social experiences of these young people were developed, in which it was possible to notice how the processes of vulnerability create and impose distances and brands 鈥揹ifferently valued鈥 between their bodies; establish inequalities in the provision of social energies and their potential of movement. However, these youths perceived themselves obligated to face the challenges present in their biographies, in a personal and individual way, supported mainly by their own efforts and capabilities. This allows us to think of a specific form of individuation in the Latin American context that can be understood from the notion of hyper-actor, that refers to a way of individuation in which the actors find themselves supported on personal consistency, less than through social institutions. However, in the case of those interviewed, the opportunities achieved in the practice of an artistic and sporting activity, and in particular when performing it in Circo Social del Sur, questions how the link with certain institutions that are meaningful to young people from popular sectors glimpses supports that are substantive and relevant to them.

Therefore, both dimensions become relevant for the understanding of how youths are constructed in the current Argentine context, from an analysis that set the limits and potentials to their bodies/emotions and mobilities, pointing out the diversities and heterogeneities, not only between different social positions but also within them, recognizing the processes of vulnerability and the levels of agency that get throw them.

Table Of Contents

CAP脥TULO 1: Antecedentes del campo tem谩tico, presentaci贸n del problema y construcci贸n del objeto de estudio
1.1. Presentaci贸n del problema y construcci贸n del objeto
1.1.1. El campo de estudio de las juventudes: nuevas indagaciones
1.1.2. J贸venes en contexto: situando categor铆as y experiencias
1.1.3. La producci贸n de las juventudes en las sociedades actuales: herramientas para su comprensi贸n
1.2. Construcci贸n del objeto de estudio
1.2.1. Objetivos
1.2.2. Estrategia metodol贸gica
1.3. Organizaci贸n de la tesis

CAP脥TULO 2: Juventudes, cuerpos y emociones: aproximando teor铆as desde el sur
2.1. Cuerpos y emociones en los estudios de juventudes
2.1.1. 驴De qu茅 cuerpos y emociones hablamos en los estudios sobre j贸venes?
2.1.2. Los primeros abordajes
2.1.3. Las nuevas exploraciones sobre corporalidades, sensibilidades y juventudes
2.2. Las conceptualizaciones desde la sociolog铆a de los cuerpos/emociones: propuesta anal铆tica
2.2.1. Una sociolog铆a de los cuerpos/emociones desde Latinoam茅rica: contextualizando sus or铆genes y horizontes posibles
2.2.2. Mecanismos y procesos: herramientas anal铆ticas
2.3. Hacia un di谩logo posible entre la sociolog铆a de cuerpos/emociones y la sociolog铆a de la individuaci贸n

CAP脥TULO 3: Entre lo estructural y lo singular: la producci贸n de los j贸venes como individuos de la sociedad actual
3.1. J贸venes como actores: conceptualizaciones desde los estudios sobre juventudes
3.2. Producci贸n de individuos en la sociedad actual: un recorrido posible
3.2.1. La primera y la segunda modernidad: proceso de transformaciones
3.2.2. Del individualismo a la individuaci贸n
3.2.3. Individualismo institucional 鈥 Individuaci贸n: Proximidades y distinciones
3.3. Sociolog铆as del individuo: la propuesta de una individuaci贸n por pruebas
3.3.1. La relaci贸n entre acci贸n social y sociedad: una nueva ontolog铆a de la vida social
3.3.2. La relaci贸n individuo-sociedad: los l铆mites de la socializaci贸n y la subjetivaci贸n
3.3.3. Individuaci贸n por pruebas: 鈥渇abricando鈥 individuos
3.3.4. Enfrentando pruebas: la movilizaci贸n de soportes
3.4. Individuaci贸n, corporalidades y sensibilidades sociales: articulaciones posibles

CAP脥TULO 4: Modo de abordaje: estrategia metodol贸gica y anal铆tica para la construcci贸n del objeto de estudio
4.1. Supuestos epistemol贸gicos y metodol贸gicos para un abordaje desde la individuaci贸n y los cuerpos/emociones
4.2. Trabajo de campo: registro en primera persona
4.2.1. Las sedes del circo
4.2.2. 鈥溌縉o quer茅s hacer la clase con los chicos鈥?鈥: el desarrollo de la participaci贸n-observaci贸n
4.2.3. Relatos biogr谩ficos: una construcci贸n conjunta
4.3. Muestreo
4.4. Consideraciones 茅ticas
4.5. An谩lisis de los datos y presentaci贸n de los resultados

CAP脥TULO 5: Las movilidades como prueba: entre l铆mites y posibilidades
5.1. Migrar permite encontrar mejores oportunidades de vida
5.1.1. Transiciones entre or铆genes y destinos
5.1.2. Mudanzas: nuevos desplazamientos
5.1.3. Entre experiencias familiares y personales
5.2. Las obligaciones cotidianas requieren salir del barrio
5.2.1. J贸venes y espacio p煤blico: seguridad y cuidados
5.2.2. Entre el deber y lo deseado鈥
5.2.3. Articulando espacios y temporalidades
5.2.4. Moverse para trabajar
5.2.5. Recorridos desconocidos: iniciar actividades art铆sticas y deportivas
5.2.6. C贸mo circular seg煤n edad y g茅nero
5.3. Reflexiones finales

CAP脥TULO 6: Las relaciones con otros como prueba: movilizando m谩scaras-soportes
6.1. La prueba de la relaci贸n con otros
6.2. Ante los otros es necesario mostrarse siempre bien
6.2.1. 驴Qu茅 mostrar?
6.2.2. Lo que 鈥榥o鈥 se muestra
6.2.3. 驴Enga帽o o cuidado?
6.2.4. El trabajo de la 鈥榤谩scara鈥
6.2.5. Mostrar con/por otros
6.3. Al observar a los otros es posible conocer su forma de ser
6.3.1. La mirada hacia los otros
6.3.2. La mirada hacia el 鈥榮铆 mismo鈥
6.3.3. Lo que no se puede ocultar
6.3.4. 驴Confiar o protegerse?
6.4. El ser gordo es un obst谩culo para relacionarse con otros
6.4.1. Cuerpo y personalidad: los l铆mites de la gordura
6.4.2. Lo que sea por adelgazar
6.4.3. Adelgaza y s茅 feliz
6.5. Las actividades art铆sticas y deportivas brindan un espacio para relajarse
6.5.1. Primeras libertades
6.5.2. Mandatos vs. Resistencias
6.5.3. Moverse con ritmo propio
6.6. Reflexiones finales

Cap铆tulo 7. Articulando experiencias y estructuras: desaf铆os, agencias y vulnerabilidades
7.1. Geometr铆a de las vulnerabilidades: entre trayectorias, v铆nculos y contextos
7.1.1. Vulnerabilidades que ponen distancia
7.1.2. Vulnerabilidades en la proximidad
7.2. La producci贸n de las juventudes en el contexto argentino actual
7.3. Cerrando ideas, abriendo nuevas preguntas: reflexiones finales

Referencias bibliogr谩ficas

T铆tulo obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Instituci贸n otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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