Contexto y producci贸n de conocimiento social sobre el desarrollo en Argentina : el caso de la revista Desarrollo Econ贸mico : 1958-1975


Hidalgo, Cecilia

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341 p.


Atribuci贸n-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Gen茅rica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






Between the 1950s and 70s, social scientists from Latin America and Argentina provided outstanding and creative explanations about the social, political and economic transformation processes in the region, according to the concepts of development, underdevelopment and dependency. They did it in sociopolitical contexts marked by conflict and instability hoping to contribute both to knowledge and social change. In a framework where a comprehensive revision of institutionalization and consolidation of social sciences in the region has been undertaken from different perspectives, the general purpose of this research is to inform of the production of knowledge about the development of Latin America and Argentina, showing its connections to the unsettled socio-historical and intellectual contexts in which took place. The analysis is focused on the works published by the Desarrollo Econ贸mico (DE) journal, in its different series, during the period 1958-1975, a leading journal for Latin-American social sciences, that due to its continuity, stability and relative pluralism has been able to gather the academic-political debate about the development of Argentina and Latin America, encouraging the expression of the most important analytical alternatives in dispute both in the regional and national academic fields.

From different theoretical-methodological approaches, such as those of F茅lix G. Schuster and Quentin Skinner, which focus the debate in the importance of contextualizing the production of scientific knowledge, DE publication stood out as an area for the discussion of ideas and proposals of transforming economic policies in a regional socio-historical context characterized by economic and political instability and the origin of what Guillermo O'Donnell called 鈥淓stado Burocr谩tico Autoritario (BA)鈥 in countries like Argentina and Brazil.

In this study three main periods can be distinguished, which show substantial changes not only in general sociopolitical and intellectual contexts but also in the specific theoretical- conceptual level:

The first period, between 1958 and 1959, when this journal was created and called 鈥淩evista de Desarrollo Econ贸mico (RDE)鈥 and published by the 鈥淛unta de Planificaci贸n Econ贸mica (JPE)鈥 of the Province of Buenos Aires. In this foundational period, marked by the ECLAC, the sociohistorical context informs and is closely related to the theoretical analysis of development, and directly connected to the government political programs.

The second period, between 1961 and 1969, when the journal began to be published by the 鈥淚nstituto de Desarrollo Econ贸mico y Social (IDES)鈥. In this period of political decay of the developmentalism at governmental level there is a concomitant decay of the ECLAC theoretical-economic framework, still relevant but now tending to incorporate other economic perspectives or opinions of other social disciplines in the analysis. In this second period, it is worth noting how conceptual elucidation becomes more technical and separated from specific political programs, analyzing variables and indicators capable of measuring development from both an economic and sociological perspective. This corresponds to the formulation of a clear Latin Americanist view to be consolidated and maintained over the years.

And a third period, between 1970 and 1975, when a critical discussion about dependency was tackled. In a highly politicized context, works of the major exponents of the 鈥渢heory of dependency鈥 are published by DE, giving rise to criticism of the most important books about this problem edited in other Latin American centers of knowledge production, such as Chile. In those five years, the journal is consolidated in the field of social sciences and strengthens a profile centered in academic intervention.

T铆tulo obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Instituci贸n otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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