Dimensiones psicosociales del deporte : motivación y aspectos sociodemográficos en contextos deportivos


Donolo, Danilo

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283 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




Río Cuarto (inhabited place)


The aim of the thesis is to study sports practice from social and individual dimensions, they are recognized as a situated practices where interdependent relationships are produced. More precisely, it is a psychosocial approach that allows a greater understanding of motivation related to the sociodemographic characteristics of the family environment of adolescents who participate in sports. Therefore, we look into the environment and the subjects involved in a particular community of practice, resulting necessary to study the interactions between environmental conditions and the individual dimensions in sports environments. Thus the studies carried out are based on a multidimensional and situated perspective.

Theoretical developments are made in the field of social sciences, stating the arguments of figurative perspective from Norbet Elias and Eric Dunning (relational and process approach that considers that reality is multidimensional and its study should include the individual and the social aspect of sports) and the structuralism and constructivism perspective of Pierre Bourdieu (where the concepts of habitus and field allows to explain the uses and the social meaning of sport).

It is also argues the social significance of sport from the concept of quality of life, socio-demographic dimensions, implications and interests of many institutions at national and international level in sports, so it is a complex socio-cultural phenomenon linked to macro and micro social. It is also understood that the motivation is strongly linked to the context of practice. Therefore, the approach taken is called situated (linked to the socio-cultural approach to learning whose representatives are Bruner and Vygotski) by referring to individual and contextual factors that are based on the arguments of two theories and one model to which we adhere: Self-Determination Theory, Achievement Goal Theory and TARGET structures of the context.

The first study has a macro social gaze, which is characterized by descriptive statistical procedures that help to describe the study group. While the findings were significant, it became necessary to carry on with a second study with in order to deepen about the link between motivational climate and context of practice based on a mixed, systemic and interpretive (called Design Based Research) methodology that contributed to test a theoretical model about external factors of motivation, by designing an intervention in a natural sport environment.

The main findings show that the study of the psychosocial dimensions in sporting contexts requires in-depth treatment in real and specific contexts of practice for adapting strategies according to the characteristics of the participants. Along the same directions, the findings point to the importance of promoting the planning and scheduling of sports that take into account the training environment from an integral view of the close environment of the participants. The socio-demographic characteristics studied here reflect a familiar environment and friends who would be contributing for adolescents to engage in extracurricular sports activities. However, emerging variables, like body image, emotion, gender, emphasize the need to incorporate them in future studies.

As part of the contributions of the thesis may be mentioned the applicability in a real context mixed methodological procedure. First, with a descriptive statistical cross-sectional study in a macro social level, and then with a specific longitudinal intervention in a micro social level, to deepen the issues about motivation and impact of the social environment. Besides the possibility of delve and theoretically contribute from the implementation of a design from a systemic approach, which includes the influence of contextual factors and the integration of the perspectives of the participants.

It is in this direction that we propose to investigate in sporting context to generate environments that encourage motivation, without losing sight that are social cultural practices.

Título obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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