El delito en la prensa gr谩fica argentina : un estudio en diarios nacionales y provinciales, 2012-2014


Martini, Stella Maris

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage





250 p.


Atribuci贸n-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Gen茅rica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






The thesis studies the news and agendas about crime and its effects on daily life in national and provincial reference press of Argentina, between 2012 and 2014. It Analyzes and compares the mechanisms of gatekeeping (selection) and newsmaking (construction) of the so-called crime news, and the meanings of this information in a corpus constituted by summaries and news from the newspapers La Naci贸n (Buenos Aires), Los Andes (Mendoza), R铆o Negro (R铆o Negro) and La Nueva. (Bah铆a Blanca, formerly La Nueva Provincia) in the mentioned period. The selection of newspapers of this type considers their centennial press character and reference in the country, with a history that has constituted them in hegemonic publications in the places where they are produced and in its areas of circulation and recognition. Traditional newspapers are chosen from the regions of Cuyo (Los Andes), Patagonia (R铆o Negro), and Macropampeana (La Naci贸n and La Nueva), building a journalistic territory that develops in an area that is especially productive and significant for the national economy. It was decided to compare the national press and the provincial press because the last one enable us to advance in the knowledge of publications that count for different histories, cultures and geographies of Buenos Aires, considering that the crime agendas propose an account of the country and they suggest a classificated sight about subjects and daily practices; therefore, the inclusion of La Naci贸n allows a comparison of all relevant scales.

In the referenced Argentine press, crime news historically constituted marginal information relegated to the popular press. At the beginning of the 90s, in the context of social, cultural and political transformations, as consequence of neoliberalism, serious acts of corruption occur, new forms of crime emerge, and according to statistics from the period, criminal rates increase. In this stage the trivialization of information and infotainment is consolidated, there are variations in the ways of constructing the news and in the contracts for reading the reference press. This press hierarchizes the information about the crime by giving it a prominent section, placing it on the cover and resorting to spectacular discursive modalities. Thus, insecurity installs as a scenario of everyday life and the central mark of the era that threatens people's lives and assets. This phenomenon persists and deepens in the new millennium.

With this background, my research asks about the ways in which the crime news is built and means in a sector of reference national and provincial press between 2012 and 2014. The idea was not working exclusively outstanding cases due to its seriousness or interference in the social agenda but face the daily news about crime. The thesis also asks about the distinctions and continuities between the agendas and coverage of the press studied, and the role played by the framings or frames of the news, as organizing principles of information, in its production and recognition. Thus, it investigates the possible similarities and differences in the level of summaries and agendas, the typology of the crime and its actors, the discursive modalities, and the relations with the sociopolitical history of each place of circulation of the newspapers.

In the thesis I work with two articulated hypotheses: 1) the large history of the journals under study legitimizes them to be representatives for a particular image of city, province, region and nation 2) There are different ways of constructing the threat and the fear in the information about the crime published by these newspapers, according to their origin, socio-economic and cultural context and history. Thus, the character of national and not national (provincial) publications contributes to the construction of unique stories about the reality of provinces, localities, regions and the country.

The methodological approach is qualitative, applies tools of communication theory, information and culture, and theory about the news. These allow to address both the journalistic production routines and the news product, the construction of the news and the agendas, the representations that are built on crime, daily life, insecurity and social control, and possible modes to appeal the lectorate. It appeals to quantitative techniques to verify occurrences and recurrences of the published information that allow to consolidate meanings. The semidirected interviews carried out with journalists of the newspapers studied to understand the conception of the news and the productive routines from the place of the chroniclers are complementary data; as well as documentation on demography, geography, history and location of the provinces on the map of the country, crime statistics; among other data of contemporary interest to the period studied.

The four newspapers historically had, as a reference press at various geographical scales, a privileged role in the construction of images about the nation and the provinces. I assume therefore that the attribute of the hundred, common to publications, affects the construction of frames from which the news is framed and interpreted. The crime news in newspapers allow to read versions of everyday life and a characterization of the country, its provinces, regions and cities, which constitute an argument about the need to control certain territories and subjects, and denounce a situation of ungovernability in the country and the provinces.

The intention of this thesis is to contribute to research on public communication of problems that concern to several sectors of the society, and to add knowledge to the field of media studies as credible constructors on the reality of crime and actors of the circuit of political communication. The approach of the selected press allows to expand and deepen the state of existing literature on the subject and on this specific problem. Also, the incorporation of the provincial press contributes to the literature on the Argentine press.

Table Of Contents




Propuesta, corpus, objetivos, preguntas de investigaci贸n e hip贸tesis
Justificaci贸n y relevancia de la investigaci贸n
Estado del arte
Marco te贸rico. Categor铆as y conceptos
Abordaje metodol贸gico

CAP脥TULO I: El surgimiento de la prensa moderna en Argentina: los casos de La Naci贸n, Los Andes, La Nueva Provincia y R铆o Negro
1.1 La Argentina moderna
1.2 El mercado period铆stico de la 茅poca (1867-1916)
1.2.1 La Naci贸n. 鈥淭ribuna de doctrina鈥
1.2.2 Los Andes. 鈥淓l diario de Cuyo鈥
1.2.3 La Nueva Provincia, 鈥淓l diario del Sur argentino鈥
1.2.4 R铆o Negro. 鈥淓l diario de la Patagonia鈥
1.3 Conclusiones parciales

CAP脥TULO II: Las tapas. El dise帽o de la informaci贸n en los diarios
2.1 La Naci贸n
2.1.1 Las portadas, el dise帽o de la informaci贸n
2.1.2 El cuerpo del diario. Los sistemas clasificatorios
2.1.3 El delito en primera plana
2.2 Los Andes
2.2.1 El dise帽o del diario y sus portadas
2.2.2 Los 鈥淧oliciales鈥 en agenda: las noticias sobre el delito en las tapas y en el cuerpo del diario
2.3 De La Nueva Provincia a La Nueva.
2.3.1 El impacto de su redise帽o en las portadas
2.3.2 Las secciones del diario y la clasificaci贸n de la informaci贸n period铆stica
2.3.3 鈥淪eguridad鈥: ubicaci贸n prioritaria del delito en el diario
2.4 R铆o Negro
2.4.1 Las tapas en el diario que se abre a la Patagonia
2.4.2 De la portada a la secci贸n: la violencia delictiva como agenda prioritaria
2.5 Conclusiones parciales

CAP脥TULO III: La construcci贸n de la noticia sobre el delito. Noticiabilidad, fuentes y agendas
3.1 El delito en la prensa gr谩fica. La clasificaci贸n de la informaci贸n
3.2 La selecci贸n de los acontecimientos y la construcci贸n de la noticia. Los criterios de noticiabilidad
3.3 Las fuentes period铆sticas en la noticia policial
3.4 Las agendas sobre el delito y la serializaci贸n
3.5 Conclusiones parciales

CAP脥TULO IV: El contrato de lectura. Las modalidades discursivas de la noticia, sensacionalismo, hip茅rbole y espectacularizaci贸n en los discursos
4.1 Contrato de lectura y verosimilitud
4.2 G茅neros, estilos, formas del relato
4.3 Sensacionalismo, hip茅rbole y espectacularizaci贸n de la informaci贸n
4.4 Encuadrando el delito
4.5 Conclusiones parciales

CAP脥TULO V: Mundos construidos en las representaciones del delito. La mediatizaci贸n del control social
5.1 Vivir en peligro
5.2 El pa铆s, la provincia, la ciudad en las noticias
5.3 Conclusiones parciales



T铆tulo obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Instituci贸n otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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