El zapatismo : entre la construcción autonómica y la disputa estatal (2003 -2017)


Wahren, Juan
Diez, Juan

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage

2003 -2017




175 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




2003 -2017


The thesis intends to analyze and understand Zapatismo based on the concepts of autonomy and State. Its intention is to elucidate the ways in which Zapatismo developed its bond with the Mexican State, considering their moments of utmost closeness as well as of conflict through a historic point of view. In this way, the research aims to distance itself from both reductionist readings that presume a mere denial of the State by Zapatismo as well as the criticism that proposes social change from the State as the only choice. At the same time, this thesis differs from orthodox Marxist readings which give validity to a social actor only if they take into account the “seizure of power”.

The research seeks to explain the diverse ways in which Zapatistas perceived the State and positioned themselves towards it, showing the tactics and strategies implemented by them. It will cover the autonomic construction from 2003; the proposal for a national program of leftist struggle called The Other Campaign in 2005, the return of PRI in 2012 and lastly, the move to the offensive through the electoral dispute. Also, this thesis will delve into the potentialities and challenges presented by Zapatismo in order to create its emancipatory project. With all this, it attempts to explain whether it’s possible to consider this social movement as ‘autonomist’, analyzing the tension between autonomy and heteronomy, specifically the developed forms of organization and the territorial disputes between 2003 and 2017, considering the confrontation of two antagonistic logics: the communal one versus the state one.

Moreover, while there is an abundance of academic texts related to the Zapatista movement, there is a lack of work in which the voices of the support base appear, whereas it is more common to find the use of releases by the command structure of the EZLN (Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee – General Command) or the writings of both Subcommander Galeano (formerly Marcos) and Moisés. In this regard, the present study aims to contribute to the visibility and analysis of the critical thinking of those social actors who are rarely taken into account -outside Zapatismo- who at the same time are indispensable for the movement’s existence.

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Estudios Sociales Latinoamericanos

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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