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Senar, Pedro Emiliano
Fernández Castro, Javier
Spatial Coverage
173 p.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (autonomus city)
The research that supports the present thesis was focused on analyzing the links among designing practices -holded by public university- and territorial actors involved in re-urbanization processes and public space improvement. Specifically, it was oriented to the developement and monitoring of the supporting in the design field, in order to produce material transforming actions, managed in collaboration with the neighbours of the selected towns. The orientation of the design practices observed is related to the generation of project based social inclusion strategies, in the technological dimmension (the product) and in the figuration and explorational developement of product processes and social inclusion oriented organizational models.
The following piece and the analized facts, are part of several actions taken place in the academic, extension and research areas from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo of Universidad de Buenos Aires, specifiquely in the Centro de Hábitat Inclusivo from the Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana. It is based on theoretical advances and field applications setted in the research action of the following UBACyT projects: Articulation and hybridization for socio-spacial inclusion directed by industrial designer Mg. Pedro Senar (2016-2018), Design Strategies for Popular Habitat. Spacial justice instruments for metropolitan territory (2014-2017) y Other figurations for urban popular habitat. New paradigms of socio-spacial inclusion for RMBA (2011-2014) both directed by architect Javier Fernández Castro; and the SI-FADU UBA research project Design for socio-labor inclusion. Productive practices within social protection policies (2011-2014) directed by Senar. Other research and academic groups have been collaborated, not only in the field work but also in the construction of theoretical advances about the processes of Popular Habitat reurbanization: Master in Habitat and poverty in Latin America (FSOC and FADU UBA), Architecture department (UNLaM), Urbanism department (UNGS), Industrial Design and Architecture departments (Universidad Nacional de San Juan), Social Work department (FSOC UBA), Science and Technology Studies Institute (UNQui), among others.
In order to organize the reading, the following document es divided in two parts: the first one refers to the mentors that support the theoretical and conceptual scheme of the research, and also the previous experiencies that make the body of knowledge from which it started. Therefore, the reader will find certain definitions from the project field and its role in the construction of the Urban Habitat, considering the projects as material hypothesis of a possible or wished reallity that are not formed only by physical and instrumental terms.
In the second part, we present the analytical model posed based on the Habitat Production and Occupation Circuit created by Dr. Architect Roberto Doberti, followed by the comparative analysis of two cases in depth in which the technologies -of products, processes and organizational formsare included as analitycal categories.
The following piece and the analized facts, are part of several actions taken place in the academic, extension and research areas from the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo of Universidad de Buenos Aires, specifiquely in the Centro de Hábitat Inclusivo from the Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana. It is based on theoretical advances and field applications setted in the research action of the following UBACyT projects: Articulation and hybridization for socio-spacial inclusion directed by industrial designer Mg. Pedro Senar (2016-2018), Design Strategies for Popular Habitat. Spacial justice instruments for metropolitan territory (2014-2017) y Other figurations for urban popular habitat. New paradigms of socio-spacial inclusion for RMBA (2011-2014) both directed by architect Javier Fernández Castro; and the SI-FADU UBA research project Design for socio-labor inclusion. Productive practices within social protection policies (2011-2014) directed by Senar. Other research and academic groups have been collaborated, not only in the field work but also in the construction of theoretical advances about the processes of Popular Habitat reurbanization: Master in Habitat and poverty in Latin America (FSOC and FADU UBA), Architecture department (UNLaM), Urbanism department (UNGS), Industrial Design and Architecture departments (Universidad Nacional de San Juan), Social Work department (FSOC UBA), Science and Technology Studies Institute (UNQui), among others.
In order to organize the reading, the following document es divided in two parts: the first one refers to the mentors that support the theoretical and conceptual scheme of the research, and also the previous experiencies that make the body of knowledge from which it started. Therefore, the reader will find certain definitions from the project field and its role in the construction of the Urban Habitat, considering the projects as material hypothesis of a possible or wished reallity that are not formed only by physical and instrumental terms.
In the second part, we present the analytical model posed based on the Habitat Production and Occupation Circuit created by Dr. Architect Roberto Doberti, followed by the comparative analysis of two cases in depth in which the technologies -of products, processes and organizational formsare included as analitycal categories.
Título obtenido
Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
Institución otorgante
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales