Arlt y García Márquez, creadores y disruptores que fluyeron : analogías y vasos comunicantes entre sus crónicas (1928-1950)


Moyano, Julio

Temporal Coverage





184 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






Bound by the passion for writing, Roberto Arlt and Gabriel García Márquez made, journalism and literature, a way of subsistence, work and life. They belonged to the so-called latinamerican cultural industries from the twentieth century. They also showed special interest in the chronicle as a work resource.

Although remote in time and space, and apparently distant from each other, they both knew and used the same way of simplest storytelling all through out newspaper pages untill they were able to create their own writing style. They broke predetermined writing patterns giving rise to chronicle writings, where they hybridized tenses, and storytelling technics.

They both were connected by the so-called communicating vessels, that were indirect through third parties that met them personally and served as a bridge. Some other direct ones that were approached during this research whom exceeded plain coincidences.

This writing focuses on the relationship between Journalism and Literature. It also looks forward to reveal the analogies, overlapping points and connections between Roberto Arlt and Gabriel García Marquez as creators and disruptors through the Journalist Chronicles they wrote from 1928 to 1950, specially 1940 as a fundamental year for both their productive and personal lives.

Additionally, it will show how Arlt´s and García Márquez´s pragmatism flowed towards other times and spaces generating Journalist Chronicle consecration moments with examples such as Argentina´s ‗‘Primera Página‘‘ or the so called Latin American Boom, among other literary and journalist Twentieth Century phenomenon.

In this research, it will be used approaches and qualitative tools such as chronicles from both authors, first hand documentation, bibliography, and deep thorough interviews to key informants.

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Periodismo

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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