Habitar Buenos Aires : el derecho de ciudad ante la actual forma política urbana


D’Odorico, María Gabriela
Santos, Felisa

Spatial Coverage




368 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (autonomus city)


This investigation addresses the category of citizenship and inquiries about its validity in the current democracy conditions. Given the centrality that the urban issue has taken in the contemporary scene, this investigation also inquires about the political dimension on the relation between public space and the subjects that inhabit it. Moreover, with the intention of avoiding ahistoric and universalistic conceptions, it delves in its particular manifestation in Buenos Aires city, fertile space for the neoliberal deployed that occurred during the last decades.

The itinerary is founded on the conjunction of the theoretical approaches of Jacques Rancière and Étienne Balibar. Assuming with Rancière that the urban space is an aesthetic configuration that articulates ways of doing, forms of visibility and modes of thoughtfulness, politics is understood as the eminently conflictive activity of reconfiguration of the sensible distribution. Balibar’s conceptualization of citizenship makes it possible to restore its constituent power enhancing a strong political behavior from a proposition that enshrines the principles of equality and freedom, a vindication of insurgency and a commitment to transindividuality. Even recognizing the distance of their proposals, this conjunction is an irreplaceable contribution to think about the relation between urban space and citizen’s right.

To these theorical coordinates be coupled the following questions about the citizenship exercise in Bs As: how did the vinculations between the urban space configuration in Buenos Aires and citizenship have historically developed?, what kind of wefts are woven between the new configurations that Buenos Aires’s space shows, constitution of subjectivity and citizenship modeling? and, what kind of correlates, dialogues or tensions can be established with the interventions coming from state, market and mediatic institutions? Within the premise that a city usually presents itself as a space of (tense) coexistence of multiple temporalities, this investigation interrogates about how the ways of inhabiting the city –and the disputes that are generated around them– they constitute as an aesthetic-political problem that involves the discussion about how intervention and citizen exclusion performance. This issue opens, at the same time, the question about the emergency possibilities of new forms of political action within capitalism’s current conditions. Assuming that the revitalization of citizenship category is only possible by dismantling the liberal-capitalist tradition –that limits it to a legal-moral conception–, and restoring its instituting power, the central hypothesis of this work is that this conceptual displacement requires considering citizenship also in its sensible dimension, given that the ways in which citizens inhabit a city refer to a configuration that links ways of seeing, feeling and thinking. The aesthetic forms that urban space presents are incardinated to the politic subjectivation processes and to the possibilities and difficulties of the being-in-common construction. In that sense, the politicizable condition of urban form refers largely to the possibility of insurrectional intervention of citizens who dispute the legitimacy of the space’s use.

Regarding the method of approach, the investigation is vertebrated by a two part assembly operation: in the first part it focuses on a diachronous plane –in which it involves historical-conceptual and historical-social aspects–, while in the second part deals with a synchronic look, oriented to problematize on experiences of our time. This second part refers to some experiences occurred in Buenos Aires in the last years related to the processes of neoliberalization and dispute for the city, considered from the conceptual theoretical developments previously presented. The approach of the cases is carried out by the resorting of different methodological repertoires: on the one hand, by incorporating the approach of productions around the current urban problems and, on the other hand, from mediatic material coming from different places –journalism, advertising, among others– related with discourses and practices of government management and civil society.

Table Of Contents

Acerca del enfoque comunicacional, las decisiones metodológicas y la organización del trabajo

PARTE 1: Ciudad y ciudadanías: una composición de larga data

CAPÍTULO 1: La forma política moderna
1.1. La experiencia de institución de lo social en la Modernidad temprana
1.2. El contractualismo más allá de su estructura conceptual: del terror hobbesiano a la voluntad popular rousseauniana
1.3. La política democrática moderna y la cuestión del ciudadano
1.4. Acerca de la ciudad y el espacio público modernos

CAPÍTULO 2: El espesor histórico de la ciudad y los ciudadanos de Buenos Aires
2.1. Aproximación a la historia política y cultural de la ciudad
2.2. La composición urbana porteña en clave conceptual
PARTE 2: Trayectorias recientes. Las ciudadanías porteñas ante la nueva configuración neoliberal: Escenas de una ciudad en disputa

CAPÍTULO 3: El arribo neoliberal
3.1. La ciudad y el gobierno de la vida. El surgimiento del concepto de población
3.2. Neoliberalismo y reconfiguración del capitalismo mundial
3.3. El panorama local de los noventa

CAPÍTULO 4: Buenos Aires, ciudad neoliberal
4.1. La cuestión del mercado del suelo en Buenos Aires a partir de la década del noventa. El caso de las torres: entre el hedonismo, el miedo al otro y el sujeto de la deuda
4.2. Desplazamientos en el lenguaje neoliberal. Entre la renovación discursiva y la exacerbación de la operatoria mercantil del Estado
4.3. La gubernamentalidad neoliberal y la pregunta por la política

CAPÍTULO 5: Buenos Aires en disputa: frente a la exclusión, el litigio
5.1. Derecho a la ciudad e insurrecciones urbanas
5.2. Litigios en torno de los nuevos usos del espacio urbano. El caso del conflicto Hospital Borda/Centro Cívico en la zona sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
5.3. La política del desacuerdo y la parte de los sin parte
5.4. Espacio urbano: ¿Cuestiones de forma (material) o de política?

CAPÍTULO 6: Buenos Aires en disputa: insurgencias ciudadanas
6.1. La emergencia habitacional en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Toma y represión en el Indoamericano
6.2. Desafíos conceptuales para la vigencia de la categoría de ciudadano
6.3. Ciudad, ciudadanos, conciudadanos: breve referencia al lenguaje y sus derivas
6.4. La proposición de Balibar acerca de la igualibertad
6.5. La irrupción de la ciudadanía social
6.6. Entre la insurrección y la constitución, una invención permanente
6.7. Entre la exclusión y la transindividualidad: la dimensión estética del derecho de ciudad


Título obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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