La palabra rota : comunidad y mito en la obra de Nicolás Casullo (I Volumen)


Forster, Ricardo

Spatial Coverage




376 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






This research gathers a heterogeneity of philosophical, aesthetic and political motives, sometimes inherent and sometimes tangential to what is generically expressed as “the community problem” as the key to reading current issues. An actuality in which the dimension of language acquires definitive significance in its power and illusory support of worlds and realities. The works of Nicolás Casullo, always structurally accompanied by various names, not only establishing him as the interpreter of all but as the one who took his texts further, allow us to explore this problem encrypted in what for him were the main questions to reflect with the idea of myth, which summons us to a kind of emotional and fictional relationship, linked to the transformations of and from cultural devices, by which myths were formed (or were thus thought) later in a political matrix. As we see at the beginning of this research, the discourse on the essay in Argentine culture since the mid-1980s legitimized the reproductive link between research and writing, which has resisted the will of homogenization, as a critical form. The materiality of this discourse on the essay in our country, as we have seen in the example of Casullo as a full exponent, was made in various emerging cultural books and magazines that contained both praise and controversy that were questioned about the inability of criticism to shake the public sphere or arouse a collective interest that transcends the academic sphere. Faced with the idea of the essay as a selfrecognition of the “we”, that of the search for a community of meaning and a sense of community, essay writing was opposed in its heuristic power where the cultural meaning vanished, not where it is affirmed the homogenizing power of community values. This dilemma was crossed in the Argentine case by various issues that outlined a time of intersections of readings and investigative intensity and that, as we mentioned, produced a generation of writings that thought about the question of the community and the way in which it could be founded in the exercise of a thought between explanatory rationality and the opacities that common experiences evoked through diverse readings, sometimes convergent but undoubtedly singular in their enunciative positions. In the criticism of the sustained specialization of discourse, of the fetishization of the specific that turns theoretical languages into codes and spectacularizes the hermeneutical function of the task of writing, the claim of Casullo's essay form was located, as a discursive mode and procedure of reflection, constitutive of the intellectual practice promoted by him that refers to understanding the possibilities of the questioning word of a type of writing perceived as emptied of semantic density and historical reminiscences. What with it we call the broken word that configures an interrupted community. In that interruption of the scriptural memory, Casullo reopens the desire for politics, the time where politics happens, the past in the images that return. There he develops his essayistic key, there he thinks the narrational, thus he imagines events as structuring linguistic disputes, thus he seeks to disarm memory politics that are functionalized, that extirpate the history of the community and take it to the terrain of myth that eats up a past instead of giving it narratively to the communion of the human. Throughout his intellectual project, Casullo refers to the myth that communicates the sense of community (this reciprocity makes them unthinkable separately), but that in that character is questioned as a foundation and socially constructed fiction from its origin. He works on reality itself as an essay, inserts the myth into his writing (because he postulates that there is no outside of the myth) and in the critique of a new mythology where the ideological becomes inseparable from the phraseological, he poses the community, as an inaugural experience of modernity, as the figure of a problem, as the question that arises from the repeated confirmation of its interruption. The task of exploring these issues (the revolution as the past and the inactuality of memory; the intellectual task and the return to thinking about the religious; the left and the right; populism and Peronism) travels different paths in which even when we depart from some senses these are revealed elsewhere whenever the concept strangled the will of something only represented by logical associations. This exercise of writing, as an exposition of the word (braided from the origin with the community), seeks in the journey of casullian ideas the permanence of the spectral of his work that set language in motion at the same time as it is part of the Argentine essay tradition. In that negative gesture, from the singular and non-transferable of an idea to its staging in the community scene, in the community of meaning; In the critical language that delves into their ghosts to retrace their steps to disarm their subjectivity but also to the logic that expands it, it is there that we locate the reflection.

Table Of Contents

Marco teórico y problemas
Hipótesis de trabajo
Sección I. La memoria escritural de la comunidad interrumpida
Capítulo 1. La revolución como pasado
La revolución como imaginación de la historia
La revolución: del retorno, a lo inédito
La noción de utopía
El síndrome de miedo a la historia
La comunidad massmediatizada
El relato que cuenta la historia
Capítulo 2. La inactualidad de la memoria
Los cielos de la historia
Benjamin y la memoria escritural
La herencia tapiada
La memoria escritural
Las memorias del vivir colectivo
La reinscripción en lo mítico
La estetización reflexiva
La aparición del relato y la ausencia de la palabra
En el intenso ahora
La comunidad interrumpida (por la memoria)
El anagrama asilado
La comunidad de la muerte
El drama del archivo
Tiempos de una memoria
Excurso mitopoético I
Sección II. Lo mítico como forma de conocimiento
Capítulo 3. Los intelectuales
El ejercicio de la negatividad con perspectiva histórica
Conciliar la palabra con lo real
Una crítica para reencontrar al hombre (y a la crítica)
La realidad escamoteada
Las escrituras fantasmales
Cuerpos en acción
El des-poder en los bordes de lo común
Capítulo 4. El cuidado de pensar lo religioso
El lenguaje como experiencia del mundo
La ciudad secularizada
Itinerarios (divinos) de la modernidad. El sentido poético
Pensar un diálogo interrumpido
El cielo enmudecido
La inactualidad de lo religioso
El texto numinoso y biográfico
El mito regresa
Excurso mitopoético II
Sección III. La lengua política. El mito de la comunidad en fuga
Capítulo 5. El ser de izquierda y las derechas
El léxico mágico
La escritura ausente
El ser de izquierda
La derecha como atmósfera
El mundo como derecha
Capítulo 6. Peronismo y populismo
Furia del mito
El mito peronista
La pregunta por el peronista
Populismo, la historicidad sofocante
Un peronismo después del peronismo
Excurso mitopoético III
Glosario bibliográfico e historiográfico
Una biografía
Referencias bibliográficas
Bibliografía de Nicolás Casullo
Bibliografía General

Título obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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