Entrelazadas resistimos : política en femenino y lucha contra los feminicidios en México : los casos de las organizaciones “Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa” (2001-2021) y “Nos Queremos Vivas Neza” (2017-2021)


Bidaseca, Karina

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage





250 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






Long and painful is the "list" of grievances against women that has been registered for decades in Mexican territory. Multiple violence that are part and articulating axis of a complex framework of colonial, capitalist and patriarchal domination where female and feminized bodies have been receptacles and canvas. The wave of systematic femicides that began in Ciudad Juárez in the 1990s acted as an expanded cartography in space and time, a femicide machine extended to the entire national territory, full of wounds and scars that do not heal. For decades, femicides have been steadily increasing in numbers and cruelty, although the information provided by official State sources acts as a veil that hides rather than clarifies. Hand in hand, complicity, responsibility, impunity, indifference, (in) justice in most cases.

It was the indefatigable struggle of organizations of mothers and relatives of murdered and disappeared women, which managed to place the pain of Juárez in the international, media, social, institutional and legislative arena, achieving important legal milestones, and the state response of creating a complex institutional, inter-institutional and legislative apparatus on gender violence and femicides in Mexico. However, this has not meant in any case the clarification, cessation, reparation and non-repetition of the violence that kills.

From here, I start from the assumption that the potential for struggles and resistance is found in other political practices, which transcend the state-centric and capital management, from what authors such as Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar and Rita Segato have called feminine politics, or in a feminine key, those that emphasize their axis of attention and starting point in the collective commitment to the reproduction, sustainability and defense of life and the common (Gutiérrez, 2017). Through these notions, it is proposed to re-tie the memory threads of our history interrupted (Segato, 2019) by the colonial invasion: the imposition of a modern/colonial gender system (Lugones, 2008) and a colonial/modern patriarchy that divided life into binary hierarchies,

designating the intimate, private, reproductive, domestic, the feminine as a residue stripped of politics (Segato, 2015).

The motivation behind the research process stems from an emotion: deep admiration for the struggles of mothers and women against violence and femicides in Mexico. Respect, inspiration, and recognition are linked to political convictions that at the time of research are translated into theoretical and methodological decisions. In this sense, the thesis proposes a confluence of disciplines, approaches and methods that complement each other from a situated feminist doing and thinking (Haraway, 1995), taking elements and tools that enrich understanding: from historical sociology and Latin American studies as a backdrop in the background, I positioned the research in the epistemological approach of the decolonial turn and decolonial feminism, spinning with an affective autoethnographic writing and the genealogy of the experience (Espinosa, 2019). To this, I integrate the textile dimension, as part of my own experiential process. Thus, my search starts from the intentionality and commitment to contribute an essay on the exercise of a feminist corporeal-emotional narrative, located in the South.

From this prism, the main objective of the research is to analyze from a socio-historical perspective how the organizations "Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa" (2001-2021, Ciudad Juárez) and "Nos Queremos Vivas Neza" (2017-2021, Nezahualcóyotl), contribute from a feminine policy to the fight against femicides in Mexico. To do this, I carry out a survey of the socio-historical conditions of violence against women and femicides through a long-term view -starting from the colonial wound of 1492-, while characterizing and analyzing institutions of the Mexican state that deal with gender violence and femicides. Then, I place the organizations territorially and historically through a biographical reconstruction and genealogical link, linked to an affective autoethnographic narrative. Finally, I give way to a last and central specific objective by way of closure and open stitching: the identification and analysis of the contributions of a feminine policy of organizations regarding the fight against femicides.

The research is framed in a qualitative, feminist, decolonial and autoethnographic approach. The work with primary sources was carried out through six in-depth interviews based on script (Canales, 2006) carried out in 2019 and 2021 with three members of each organization, together with interviews from the time in question (2001 to 2021) recorded in the written media and audiovisual. The investigative process was marked by the pandemic and the resulting methodological and emotional complexities. Here autoethnography and the affective dimension of research, as tools with multiple potentialities, allowed me to restore the order of the unrepresented.

Accordingly, the information analysis is discursive and autoethnographic, by means of coding according to the objectives and the deployment of Creative Analytical Processes (Richardson and Adams, 2019). The results show the confirmation of the initial assumptions that guided the research, hand in hand with the appearance of dimensions and emerging questions in the process that enable potential future lines to be explored: justice/injustice, impunity/punitiveness. The emotional and corporal affectations in the academic processes that deal with violence, how to continue thinking about the struggles from political-other practices, in feminine; the textile and its potential as a political, artistic and epistemic practice; the place of bodies, memories, emotions, affections when investigating and generating knowledge. The roads are still open.

Table Of Contents



I. De por qué escribo, y mi lugar de enunciación
II. México como herida/latido ampliado: feminicidios, violencias, luchas y resistencias
III. El paradigma femicidio/feminicidio. Un breve recorrido conceptual
IV. Los qué, y por qué de las políticas en femenino. Algunas coordenadas preliminares
V. Situarse desde la mirada decolonial y feminista decolonial latinoamericana
VI. Mi ruta metodológica transitada
Aportes y originalidad al campo
Propuesta de abordaje: una confluencia disciplinar, teórica y metodológica
Consideraciones y decisiones metodológicas: los trazos de la ruta
Esquema textil

1. Capítulo I. Condiciones socio-históricas de las violencias contra las mujeres y los feminicidios en México (1492-2021)
I. Colonialidad y trauma de origen en América Latina: la herida colonial
II. México: el macho y el mestizo. Una mirada histórica-y-en-espiral a las construcciones identitarias mexicanas
III. Lo femenino en la identidad mexicana, entre lo santo y lo profano
III.I. Mujeres mexicanas en los procesos revolucionarios. A contrapelo de la invisibilización histórica
IV. La máquina feminicida: leyes, institucionalidad e impunidad en el correlato de la modernidad/colonialidad en México

2. Capítulo II. “Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa” (2001-2021). La lucha incansable contra los feminicidios y un linaje “materno” en la defensa por la vida
I. Miradas hacia los territorios: Ciudad Juárez y la larga cicatriz de la Frontera Norte
II. La primera hebra de la madeja: Alejandra, el origen y devenir de la organización Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa
III. Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa y la resistencia frente al patrón de impunidad
IV. El caso de Campo Algodonero: la responsabilidad del estado mexicano en el sostenimiento de la violencia feminicida

3. Capítulo III. “Nos Queremos Vivas Neza” (2017-2021). Mujeres mexicanas organizadas contra los feminicidios. Desde las periferias tejiendo comunidad
I. Habitar los márgenes, vivir la periferia: el Estado de México y Nezahualcóyotl
II. Otra ausencia que deviene en organización. Valeria, y el origen de la asamblea vecinal Nos Queremos Vivas Neza
III. El tejido de vínculos de la asamblea, y los casos de Mariana y Diana. El Estado de México como escenario de dolor y de lucha
IV. Nos Queremos Vivas Neza frente al fracaso del estado mexicano y su responsabilidad en el sostenimiento de la violencia

4. Capítulo IV. “Entrelazadas resistimos”. La política en femenino en el accionar de las organizaciones. Potencialidades y desafíos en la lucha contra los feminicidios en México
I. Juntas y entrelazadas resistimos: la propuesta de las Políticas en femenino y sus constelaciones conceptuales
II. Desde las palabras dichas. Pensamientos y sentires de otras-políticas, en femenino. Nuestras Hijas de Regreso a Casa y Nos Queremos Vivas Neza
III. Las palabras hechas cuerpo. Prácticas y acciones políticas en femenino
IV. Encrucijadas, potencialidades y caminos abiertos: esperanzar desde el lugar femenino del mundo


Carta textil


Referencias bibliográficas
Fuentes documentales institucionales
Fuentes audiovisuales
Artículos de periódicos online y páginas web

I. Instrumento. Entrevista en profundidad basada en guion
II. Carta textil (texto)

Título obtenido

Magíster de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Estudios Sociales Latinoamericanos

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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