La rivalidad Brasil-Argentina en el imaginario nacional brasileño : el caso de Itaipú (1968-1979)


Giordano, Verónica




208 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






The Brazil-Argentina rivalry is a dimension of the Brazilian national imaginary, which has been built throughout history from the very moment of the independence of the countries of the Plata basin. In another context, this rivalry was an argument to reinforce the legitimacy of the regime imposed with the 1964 coup in Brazil. What did the BrazilArgentina rivalry consist of regarding the construction of the Itaipu dam? How was it linked to the objectives of the Brazilian dictatorship during the toughest phase (1968-1979)? To what extent did this rivalry operate as an element to legitimize the dictatorship? The research addresses the period 1968-1979 because in those years the historical conflict over the use of water resources was revealed. This also coincides with the “lead” years (as the darkest and most violent period of the dictatorship is known in Brazilian historiography) and the validity of Institutional Act No. 5 of the civil-military government.

The general objective of this thesis is to analyze the Brazil-Argentina rivalry in the period 1968-1979 and its affinity with the geopolitical objectives of the Brazilian dictatorship, focusing specifically on the case of the disputes around the construction of the Itaipu dam and how these disputes are embedded in the Brazilian national imaginary established by the dictatorship. The investigation of this thesis seeks to make a contribution to a field that is still little paid, such as that of the historical sociology of international relations. The methodology is qualitative, based on documentary analysis. For the identification of emerging and recurring themes, we work with the contributions of critical discourse analysis (Van Dijk, 2002). To account for the general objective of the thesis, we have cut out a corpus of news that circulated especially in the Brazilian international news magazine Veja. We chose Veja magazine for its great contribution from the visual point of view. The magazine uses as visual resources especially cartography and also illustrations and color images (something innovative for the time) to account for the news related to the conflict with Argentina and also as a way of emphasizing its position (Giordano, 2013). It is for this reason and because Veja gives an important place to international news, especially focused on foreign policy issues, that we take this media outlet centrally for our analysis.

Finally, based on the journey traveled in the thesis research, we can conclude that the rivalry between Brazil and Argentina was geopolitical and was reflected in two dimensions that we reveal in this research: cautious rivalry in a first period (1968-1973) and exasperated rivalry in a second (1974-1979). The types of rivalry coincided with the geopolitical objectives of the Brazilian dictatorship and were part of the dimensions of the national imaginary that the regime sought to build and that Veja magazine, as a relevant political actor and especially, as part of the businessmen allied to the military during great part of the dictatorship, contributed to build.

Table Of Contents


Capítulo 1: Antecedentes, conceptos y perspectivas

Capítulo 2: Brasil y Argentina: la relación de rivalidad en perspectiva histórica
La rivalidad en la conformación de los Estado nacionales
La rivalidad en tiempos de dominación oligárquica (1889-1930)
La rivalidad en tiempos de ampliación del Estado y afirmación del desarrollo nacional (1930-1964)
La rivalidad en tiempos de dictadura y DSN (1964-1979)

Capítulo 3: Itaipú como expresión de la monumentalidad
Modernización y monumentalidad
Itaipú: una obra monumental para un Brasil grande

Capítulo 4: La rivalidad prudente: "Brasil potencia" y la defensa de la soberanía en la cuestión de Itaipú (1968-1973)
Geopolítica y o país do futuro
La construcción de la rivalidad Brasil-Argentina: las representaciones de sí y del otro
La visita de Lanusse a Brasil y la consolidación de la rivalidad

Capítulo 5: La rivalidad exasperada: "Brasil potencia" e Itaipú en cuestión (19741979)
Un nuevo desencuentro
1979: los primeros acuerdos



Índice de imágenes
Imagen N°1: etapas de la relación Brasil-Argentina
Imagen N°2: mapa de la cuenca del Plata
Imagen N°3: Veja, N°151, 28/7/1971, portada
Imagen N°4: Veja, N°212, 27/9/1972, portada
Imagen N°5: Veja, N°212, 27/9/1972, p. 26
Imagen N°6: Veja, N°240, 11/4/1973, portada
Imagen N°7: Veja, N°240, 11/4/1973, p. 23
Imagen N°8: Veja, N°287, 6/3/1974, portada
Imagen N°9: Veja, N°287, 6/3/1974, p. 15
Imagen N°10: Veja, N°287, 6/3/1974, p.16
Imagen N°11: Veja, N°339, 5/3/1975, portada
Imagen N°12: Veja, N°464, 27/7/1977, portada
Imagen N°13: Veja, N°464, 27/7/1977, p. 19
Imagen N°14: mapa distancia Itaipú-Yacyretá
Imagen N°15: O Estado de São Paulo, N°31.405, portada

Título obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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