Del sujeto neopolítico a las nuevas formas de servidumbre voluntaria : reconfiguraciones subjetivas en el marco de la ofensiva neoliberal-conservadora en Argentina (2008-2019)


Santos, Felisa

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage





279 p.



Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)






The research is dedicated to the study of the process of subjective reconfiguration, which, in a complex but increasingly subordinate manner to the logic of what Michel Foucault (2007) called neoliberal governmentality, established the conditions for the constitution of a citizenship willing to voluntarily assume a series of restrictions derived from the implementation of economic and social policies that at another time would have encountered greater resistance. During the civic-military dictatorship, these traces were evidenced in practices of complicity, silence, and acceptance of institutional violence.Then, after the years of repoliticization of the so-called “democratic spring”, in the predominance of a citizenship characterized by apathy, political disaffection, and focusing on purely individual interests. A trajectory that would find some end of cycle in the scenario of repoliciticization cleared after the representation crisis of 2001. However, although transformed, many of the characteristics of
neoliberal govern's art would emerge in the following years in the form of new subjective figures. Doing focus on these displacements, while also considering historical continuities, the research proposes to focus on two significant episodes of the most recent stage of Argentine democracy.

The first of these, whose study was addressed in a previous investigation (Schtivelband, 2016), is the so-called "the campo conflict" of 2008, which emerged as a protest by agricultural producers against the export taxes on grains imposed during the Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's government (2007-2015). In that investigation, the characterization of the "neopolitical subject" was proposed as the most relevant figure that emerged in the context of the conflict. The second episode focuses on the political scene that emerged following the conflict over the sharp increase in essential public service tariffs imposed by Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) during the first months of his term. What links can be established between the figure of the neopolitical subject and the new advance of the neoliberal-conservative offensive embodied in Argentina by Cambiemos Alliance? What similarities and differences exist between the subjectivity that gave rise to the intervention of the middle sectors that adhered to the demands of the rural leadership in 2008 and that expressed support for Mauricio Macri, both in the presidential elections of 2015, whose results allowed the return of a neoliberal government to Argentina, and in legislative elections of 2017? The central hypothesis is that there is a new form of subjectivity characterized as neosacrificial, which shows the exacerbation and displacement of certain features of neopolitical subjectivity, blurring the political participation that had characterized the 2008 scene, in a turn towards what can be called new forms of voluntary servitude.

Using a transdisciplinary communication approach, the research investigates the affective dispositions of this new subjectivity, incorporating contributions from psychoanalysis and focusing on the significant dimension of political phenomena, for which discursive analysis tools are used.

Table Of Contents

Estado actual del conocimiento sobre la
relación entre subjetividad y política
Enfoque y modo de abordaje
Organización del trabajo

PARTE 1. El proceso de reconfiguración subjetiva tras la dictadura cívico-militar

Capítulo 1. El retorno democrático
1.1. Los debates de la transición
1.2. De la promesa de participación a la obliteración de la política

Capítulo 2. La cristalización subjetiva neoliberal en los noventa
2.1. Los debates en torno a la postransición
2.2. El retiro de la política y la razón neoliberal
2.3. La desafección ciudadana en los noventa y su vinculación
con la cuestión del espacio público político

PARTE 2. La emergencia del sujeto neopolítico

Capítulo 3. Entre la apariencia de la ausencia y el regreso de la política
3.1. Interrogantes acerca del conflicto agrario en el marco de
la renovada escena latinoamericana
3.2. Una mirada retrospectiva del conflicto

Capítulo 4. Del sujeto neopolítico y las identidades colectivas
4.1. El papel de los afectos en la construcción política de
las identidades colectivas
4.2. La clase media interpelada: su adhesión
a los reclamos de “el campo”

PARTE 3. Del sujeto neopolítico al sujeto neosacrificial

Capítulo 5. La emergencia de nuevas formas de servidumbre voluntaria 5.1. El escenario 2008-2015: finalización del ciclo kirchnerista y triunfo de la Alianza Cambiemos
5.2. Una genealogía del problema de la servidumbre voluntaria
5.3. Interrogando la actualidad del problema de la servidumbre

Capítulo 6. Acerca de los nuevos discursos de la servidumbre voluntaria
6.1. Entre las redes sociales y la lógica de la posverdad
6.2. La campaña de la militancia del ajuste

Capítulo 7. La figura del sujeto neosacrificial
7.1. Indagando en los motivos del sacrificio
7.2. El humor gráfico como estrategia de desestabilización de las identificaciones neosacrificiales




Título obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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