El humanismo de la libertad de Carlos Astrada : pensamiento y militancia de un filósofo argentino.


Vernik, Esteban Jorge
Fernández, Graciela




205 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




This thesis aims to show the relationship between the philosophical thinking of Carlos Astrada, postulated in his political project "humanism of freedom", and his
commitment with his contemporary social praxis. For that purpose, a historical hermeneutics of the concept "humanism of freedom" is elaborated, and displayed as a political and social project of universal character, which tends to the full development of all the potentialities of man. This project postulates the need for a radical change in the "existential historical praxis", concept that is built up from the intersection of two major philosophical currents: Marxism and the philosophy of existence. In what follows it will be showed how the political commitment of Astrada, especially with the advent of peronismo, will be expressing the desire of this thinker for the practical embodiment of this project.

The present work, therefore, explores how Astrada, starting from the philosophy of life to arrive at the philosophy of existence, constructed the different central concepts of his proposal, in which Marxist praxis also intervenes. At the height of the peronista government, in 1952, appears his work The existentialist revolution, where our thinker synthesizes his project and gives it the name of "humanism of freedom".

The thesis begins by referring to the personal journey of Astrada, which is strongly linked with his intellectual development. Then his first philosophical speculations are analyzed in which the so-called "philosophy of life" penetrates his works, mainly by the figures of Simmel, Nietzsche and Scheler. The period of the philosopher's formation in Germany under the impression of Martin Heidegger's philosophy is shown below. His return to Argentina is also studied, where he introduces the main European discussions in the local intellectual circles.

There the first text of Astrada is introduced, in which appears the connection between Heidegger and Marx. Then it shows what were the different conceptualizations regarding the man of the future, the Nietzsche´s "coming man", Scheler’s "plenary man" and the Marxian "total man", from which Astrada builds his own concept of "new man" for the case of the Argentine nation and later, the Latin American homeland. In this context emerges the reference to the moment in which, under the Peron government, Astrada announces the advent of a new historical era. This is found in the central chapter of the thesis, which reconstructs the proposal of The existentialist revolution, a work in which all its ideas converge in a historical dialectic. Finally, the course of these ideas is analyzed, which continued to be worked by the author mainly in his works Humanism and Dialectic of Liberty and the second edition of The Existentialist Revolution published under the title of Existentialism and Crisis of Philosophy.

Table Of Contents


Capítulo I: Semblanza de Carlos Astrada
1. Carlos Astrada: el espíritu de una época
2. Sus primeros pasos
3. El viaje a Alemania
4. De regreso a Argentina
5. La relación con el peronismo
6. El existencialismo argentino
7. La retirada de la universidad
8. La dialéctica de la libertad

Capítulo II: Sus primeras preocupaciones en torno al sentido de la vida
1. La vida, la muerte y el sentido
1.1. La angustia de Obermann
1.2. La recepción de Simmel
2. El descubrimiento de la filosofía de la existencia desde la impronta de Max Scheler
3. La influencia nietzscheana
3.1. La creatividad del mundo
3.2. Nietzsche precursor de la filosofía de la existencia

Capítulo III. La impronta heideggeriana
1. Del materialismo dialéctico a la ontología existencial
1.1. Hegel y Heidegger
1.2. Heidegger y Marx
2. Existencia, juego y finitud
2.1. La filosofía de Heidegger y la recepción de Astrada
2. 2. El juego de la existencia
2.3. La conciencia de la finitud
2.4. El fondo del juego
3. La técnica moderna
4. La ética existencial

Capítulo IV El humanismo de la libertad.
1. El proyecto astradiano en la nación peronista
2. El mito gaucho en la comunidad nacional
3. Hacia el humanismo marxista
4. Libertad e ipseidad: de Schelling a Heidegger
5. La revolución existencialista
5.1. El primado existencial de la praxis
5.2. El humanismo de la libertad
5.3. Praxis y técnica
5.4. Un humanismo politizado

Capítulo V: Dialéctica y teluria
1. La dialéctica de la libertad
2. La segunda edición de La Revolución existencialista
3. La influencia de Marcuse
4. Rectificaciones y ratificaciones
5. Hacia un humanismo latinoamericano
5.1. El mensaje de la tierra
5.2. La dialéctica de la utopía

Consideraciones finales

Título obtenido

Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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