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Salvia, Agustín
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119 p.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Buenos Aires (province)
The issue of income distribution in relation to the influence of education on the earned remunerations is a relevant issue at present, both in the local and international academic environment. In Argentina, the transformations that have occurred in the last decade in terms of economic and social policy renew the validity of the debate on the distributive problem, given that they have marked a change in terms of the deterioration observed during the period of structural reforms with a neoliberal orientation.
In this context, it is worth asking: What underlying social factors explain, on the one hand, the tendency to increase remunerative inequality in the nineties and, on the other hand, the convergence observed in labor remunerations during the period 2003-2014? To what extent is the behavior experienced by hourly compensation, according to the educational level of the labor force, independent of the insertion by sector and of the production unit? What role plays the regulatory frameworks or quality of employment in this relationship and its effects on the income of workers? To what extent does the divergent productivity that persists in the economic-occupational structure constitute a necessary and relevant explanatory factor to understand the relationship between education, labor regulations and hourly compensation during the last decades? From our perspective, answering these questions implies not only evaluating the influence of educational capital on the remuneration of the workforce, but also addressing the way in which the sectoral structure of employment, and the segmentation of the labor market from a complementary perspective to the thesis of structural heterogeneity, conditions and/or determines this relationship.
In this way, the research offers evidence that supports the perspective of the structural heterogeneity from which it starts to advance in the understanding of the processes of inequality associated with the conditions of the economic-occupational structure. One of the assumptions that guide the study is that the remunerative behavior is strongly affected in contexts in which structural inequalities crosses the functioning of the productive system, social relations and the labor market. That is, differences in productivity and economic organization are a key factor in explaining access to a certain level of income, or quality labor insertions, more than other possible explanatory factors such as the qualities of the employed population -specifically, their degree of formation- or the conjunctural conditions -mainly associated with the macro-economic policies implemented-. Hence, the study aims to analyze the role that the deepening of productive and socio-occupational imbalances has had in relation to variations in the concentration of income, despite the expansion and accumulation of educational credentials among workers over time. In addition, it incorporates reflection on the regulated space of the market, that is, the segmentation of the labor market, understanding that access to quality employment is conditioned by the sectoral structure of employment.
In order to answer the questions mentioned at the beginning, the works carried out within the framework of the Structural Change and Social Inequality Program are recovered, under the direction of Agustín Salvia, based at the Instituto Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, are recovered. From these works, the trends in socio-occupational insertion that are of interest in the present study are measured from a quantitative approach based on the micro-data of the Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH) of the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC), corresponding to Gran Buenos Aires for the period 1992-2014. The results obtained account for the way in which the elements of technological modernization, which have a significant impact on the different economic-occupational sectors, have gained ground in the explanation of various processes that cross our societies, in general, and of those specific to the distribution of income, in particular. The findings presented in this study will be taken up as an antecedent of my doctoral thesis and expanded in the light of new questions.
In this context, it is worth asking: What underlying social factors explain, on the one hand, the tendency to increase remunerative inequality in the nineties and, on the other hand, the convergence observed in labor remunerations during the period 2003-2014? To what extent is the behavior experienced by hourly compensation, according to the educational level of the labor force, independent of the insertion by sector and of the production unit? What role plays the regulatory frameworks or quality of employment in this relationship and its effects on the income of workers? To what extent does the divergent productivity that persists in the economic-occupational structure constitute a necessary and relevant explanatory factor to understand the relationship between education, labor regulations and hourly compensation during the last decades? From our perspective, answering these questions implies not only evaluating the influence of educational capital on the remuneration of the workforce, but also addressing the way in which the sectoral structure of employment, and the segmentation of the labor market from a complementary perspective to the thesis of structural heterogeneity, conditions and/or determines this relationship.
In this way, the research offers evidence that supports the perspective of the structural heterogeneity from which it starts to advance in the understanding of the processes of inequality associated with the conditions of the economic-occupational structure. One of the assumptions that guide the study is that the remunerative behavior is strongly affected in contexts in which structural inequalities crosses the functioning of the productive system, social relations and the labor market. That is, differences in productivity and economic organization are a key factor in explaining access to a certain level of income, or quality labor insertions, more than other possible explanatory factors such as the qualities of the employed population -specifically, their degree of formation- or the conjunctural conditions -mainly associated with the macro-economic policies implemented-. Hence, the study aims to analyze the role that the deepening of productive and socio-occupational imbalances has had in relation to variations in the concentration of income, despite the expansion and accumulation of educational credentials among workers over time. In addition, it incorporates reflection on the regulated space of the market, that is, the segmentation of the labor market, understanding that access to quality employment is conditioned by the sectoral structure of employment.
In order to answer the questions mentioned at the beginning, the works carried out within the framework of the Structural Change and Social Inequality Program are recovered, under the direction of Agustín Salvia, based at the Instituto Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, are recovered. From these works, the trends in socio-occupational insertion that are of interest in the present study are measured from a quantitative approach based on the micro-data of the Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH) of the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC), corresponding to Gran Buenos Aires for the period 1992-2014. The results obtained account for the way in which the elements of technological modernization, which have a significant impact on the different economic-occupational sectors, have gained ground in the explanation of various processes that cross our societies, in general, and of those specific to the distribution of income, in particular. The findings presented in this study will be taken up as an antecedent of my doctoral thesis and expanded in the light of new questions.
Título obtenido
Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Investigación en Ciencias Sociales
Institución otorgante
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales