Cartografía histórica del poder bélico-gubernamental occidental : trama e implicancias políticas del “gran relato” de Michel Foucault


Rossi, Miguel Ángel
Biglieri, Paula Andrea




339 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)




The aim of the two guiding questions of this research are the reconstruction and interpretation of Foucault's political thought, conceived as an historical cartography and a singular great narrative: What are the elements in Foucault's political thought that would allow to interpret it as a great narrative in which the West, as geopolitical force, expands itself as a kind of power simultaneously warlike and governmental with limitless objectives –goals that would be radicalized by neo-liberalism when pretends to extend economic analysis to all spheres of life-? How should this situation be interpreted from the point of view of the cartography of the power relations and the points that support resistance? From these questions we aim to investigate particularly the political courses -i.e. Society Must Be Defended (1976), Security, Territory, Population (1978) and The Birth of Biopolitics (1979)- with the dual purpose of reconstructing the cartography of the Western power and trace the great narrative running through Foucault’s investigations about politics. This work demonstrates that neoliberal governmentality -understood as the result of the process of modern state governmentalization, started at the end of the sixteenth century- is a governmental rationality oriented programmatically by unlimited objectives in the three directions in which our analysis is directed : a. An unlimited expansion towards outside of the State and the European region; b. A maximum governmentality at the internal order of the States, through the implementation of an environmental technology; and c. A technology of subjection and subjectivation capable of covering the whole of human behavior as if they were behaviors of entrepreneurs of himself. This unlimited rationality of government tends programmatically to crystallize power relations, which allows us to analyze it through the categories of state and a situation of domination –even though it is supported by the production and consumption of freedoms-, because in front of the its unlimited character you can only oppose a form of resistance that adopts a practical form of liberation and revolution. To demonstrate this through an interpretation of Foucault’s political theory, this thesis uses two grids of intelligibility: A warlike-governmental grid -that conserves the influence of Nietzsche and makes possible to understand politics as struggle and fight between heterogeneous governmentalities-; and an epochal-topological grid -which enables to focus on both dominant systems as strategic correlations between heterogeneous elements-. These grids have a methodological role in our analysis. On one hand, they allow us to analyze the above courses "as if" they constituted a series that outlines the cartography of the Western power relations through the deployment of two twin genealogies: the genealogy of biopolitics and the genealogy of liberal economic governmentality. On the other hand, they allows us to interpret Foucault’s political theory, at the same time as a great narrative -that runs an epochal grid through which the analysis of dominant systems would expose the process by which the government apex of the "triangle of the heterogeneous" has became hegemonic, marking our present as such- and as a strategic analysis of the connection of heterogeneous elements, as well -carried out through a topological analysis. These grids, therefore, let us understand the contingent and circumstantial correlations that explain how technologies of security appropriate and operate disciplinary and legal elements.

Table Of Contents


Capítulo 1: Cuestiones de método
A. La grilla bélico-gubernamental: El gobierno como continuación de la guerra por otros medios
B. La grilla epocal-topológica y la lógica estratégica de las correlaciones y sistemas de dominantes: La serie Defender la sociedad - Seguridad, territorio, población - Nacimiento de la biopolítica

Capítulo 2. Umbrales de modernidad
A. El momento cartesiano
B. El momento hobbesiano
C. El momento antimaquiaveliano
D. Umbral de modernidad biológica

Capítulo 3. El nacimiento de la gubernamentalidad política moderna
A. El poder pastora
B. La tecnología diplomático-militar y la formación de Europa en su vínculo con el resto del mundo
C. El poder de policía y la emergencia de la población

Capítulo 4. La gubernamentalidad liberal
A. Imperialismo, gobierno frugal y seguridad
B. Población y sociedad civil
C. El Estado-Providencia

Capítulo 5. El nacimiento de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal
A. La mundialización del mercado de competencia
B. El Estado radicalmente económico y el gobierno de sociedad
C. La producción del sujeto competidor y la ambigüedad ordoliberal

Capítulo 6: La radicalización de la gubernamentalidad neoliberal
A. La ampliación del gobierno en la racionalidad económica de los agentes
B. La emergencia del homo economicus como sujeto eminentemente gobernable
C. Los objetivos ilimitados de la gubernamentalidad económica neoliberal: la gubernamental ambiental como tendencialmente ilimitada

Capítulo 7: El neoliberalismo como situación de dominación
A. Una gubernamentalidad ilimitada y omnímoda
B. Estado de dominación y liberación: el diagnóstico de la situación de dominación

Conclusiones generales. Trama e implicancias de la cartografía del poder bélico- gubernamental occidental en el marco del “gran relato” foucaultiano
A. La trama de la cartografía: recapitulación final del argumento general
B. Implicancias de un discurso histórico-político: dominación neoliberal y prácticas de resistencia y liberación

Apéndice: La revolución de Michel Foucault
A. El filósofo-viajero y el filósofo-periodista: ontología crítica, descentramiento y subjetivación
B. La actualidad de Michel Foucault: la revolución iraní desde la perspectiva de un filósofo-periodista intempestivo
C. Consideraciones finales: para no concluir


Título obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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