Transformaciones en el accionar armonizante del orden social capitalista : una aproximación a partir de la dinámica laboral en empresas transnacionales


Wortman, Ana

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage





86 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the paradigms presented by modern capitalism impact on work organization, in the creation of a new kind of subjectivity. For that purpose, the focus is on non-executive professional employees working in international companies, taking into consideration the period between 2002 and 2012. Consequently, the objective is to contribute to the study of working middle classes in Argentina today. The chosen period of time for the development of this research refers to the time when Argentinean subsidiaries of international companies start to launch new ways of granting employee benefits, while various rankings devoted to highlighting a group of companies as the “best places to work” are set up.

Currently, the relationship capital/work offers a combination of “classic” ways of commercial management and others in which the individual assumes a “positive” development, as long as his/her creative strengths are summoned to the workplace –presented as a horizon provided with utopic conditions. Work organization framed into precarious labor conditions, under routines which do not hide hierarchies and tend to the exaltation of the man as a machine, turns out to be highly discordant. Companies’ development of organized alternatives to grant benefits to its employees is more complex as regards its outcome. The intended recipients –individually considered by the culture of corporations– are considered in the frame of the document herein as archetypal of the change in values, beliefs and lifestyles affecting society’s middle classes.

As Foucault argues, far from being a mere updating of nineteenth century liberalism, the neoliberal culture shapes an active governmentality intervening to sweep away any obstacle to the universal development of the market as a favorable space for any interaction addressed from an individualistic and individualization logic . In this context, capitalism’s harmonizing (or conciliatory) action in its non-productive stage implies a change of governmentality: new tactics of sequestration of time as well as bodies, different from the external look fostered by surveillance are incorporated. A new way of government of population arises and it works using less visible chains but certainly not less effective ones.

After presenting the essential concepts and questions guiding the thesis herein, the analytic perspective deemed relevant is assumed in face of the task of exploring ways of interrelationship among certain macro social processes and the life experiences and senses certain individuals experience as subjects located at a specific historical moment. Almost in a circular way, the consideration on transformations of the harmonizing acting of the capital is set up as an access door to the study of the culture of professional middle classes performing in international companies. In turn, the analysis of this group’s symbolic practices and representations contributes to explain the perpetuation of a structure of power which is more cryptic and less legible than ever before within capitalism. With the intent of accounting for the continuous renovation of the capitalist social order dehumanizing factors and the ways in which it has impacted on the subjectivation processes, this essay recovers theoretical proposals going from Marx’s first writings to some referents of the so-called critical theory, highlighting transformations and continuations. Taking into account that the analysis of the global cultural ways of disciplining employees deserves a broader diagnose on modernity; the attempt is to discuss some models of contemporary sociological theory shaping new narratives when putting together capitalism-individual-society-social classes.

Later, the study of a set of documents is presented with the objective of considering the way in which an action horizon presented as unique is built and set up. What shall be called Paradigm of Confidence: neoliberalism’s cultural-economic gear is, in turn, a unique case and a post disciplinary method of power led by the ideal of conflict mitigation. The task undertaken through the work with documents aims to unravel the multiplicity of structuring statements of a unity struggling to be admitted as natural. Finally, there is a presentation of an approach to the study of social representations - system of values, images, beliefs, stereotypes – of that part of the middle class working as professionals in international companies.

Título obtenido

Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Comunicación y Cultura

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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