La co-producción de narrativas feministas como método-proceso para el desprendimiento androcéntrico


Maffia, Diana
Rovetto, Florencia

Spatial Coverage




399 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)






With this thesis we propose to contribute to the androcentric detachment as epistemological displacement, from the method of co-production of narratives with feminist women of the independent left in Argentina.

The research seeks to make contributions to the critical approaches to sex social relations researches, recovering the ontological and epistemological contributions on the field of feminist studies. In general terms, the proposed methodology implies the combination of epistemological reflections sustained in the exploratory analysis of theoretical basis, the hermeneutic of feminist suspicion and the co-production of narratives as a method process of research.

Conceiving the Androcentrism as an order that is reproduced in the scientific narratives and in the political discourses and practices, giving for valid the ways of knowing and explaining the world derived from a masculine point of view located like hegemonic center, we elaborate the notion of androcentric detachment as a political and epistemological commitment aimed at decentering and diffract that look, enabling the production of knowledge as an opening of other spaces of comprehension and production of meanings.

These androcentric detachments will be explored in three planes: (1) in relation to the production of situated narratives as an alternative to the androcentric scientific narratives; (2) in relation to the identification and analysis of the tensions, resistances and challenges of the depatriarchalisation processes of the organizations of the independent left; and (3) in relation to the researcher´s knowledge and gender position.

Taking the critique of the androcentric scientific narratives as a starting point and with the general objective of contributing to the androcentric detachment as an epistemological feminist displacement, is that we develop the method-process of Co-production of narratives, deployed in this thesis through the realization of conversation spaces with feminist women of the Independent left in Argentina. We propose the co-production of narratives as a method-research process framed in the recovery of the critical contributions of contemporary feminist epistemologies, and the conversation spaces with our interlocutors as a methodological strategy.

This method-process consists in the co-production of hybrid texts between the researcher and interlocutors. For this, in the first place, conversation spaces were established with our interlocutors where we dialogued around the axes that we interpreted as the tensions, challenges and resistances in the processes of depatriarchalisation. After transcribing the established dialogues and depending on how they interpellate the researcher's position of knowledge, a textualization of the conversation was carried out, constructing a narrative that maintained a logic argumentative line and allowes us to obtain a text that would explain the study phenomenon. Thirdly, this narrative was presented to the interlocutors for its modification and intervention, enabling the deployment of the interlocutor's agency on the text in the context of a process of exchanges, hybridization and production in coauthorship.

The specificity of the method-process of production of narratives is the textualization of that said in the form of a continuous narrative in which the questions of the researcher and the answers of the interlocutors are merged in a text that has to be understood as significant reconstructions of their militant trajectories. This textualization implies, in turn, a process of interpretation, in which the interlocutors and the investigator intervene as producers of knowledge.

We decided to focus on the narratives of these feminist women considering that they were and are the main protagonists of the depatriarchalisation processes of their organizations, having developed an experience, and a process of reflection and politicization of those experiences, with a cognitive potential that constitutes a central contribution to the objectives of this research.

By independent left we refer to a wide and heterogeneous universe of organizations that emerge from the trajectories of the movements of unemployed workers who starred in the cycle of protests from 96 to 2001, and their articulation with other collective actors from the new open political scene with the protest events of December 2001 and the Massacre of Avellaneda (June 26, 2002).

Some other common denominators are their territorial inscription, a profound renovation of the notion of autonomy and the revaluation and reinvention of the democratic question, the recognition of the multiple character of the oppressions and of the existence of multiple collective actors of social change. Two principles that shape the politicity of this organisational universe are the construction of popular power and the prefigurative struggle.

A fundamental aspect for the depatriarchalisation process in which this research is interested, is the progressive inclusion of the anti-patriarchal and feminist character of social change yearned for in this organisational universe. Here lies one of the central reasons for the selection of these experiences as the collective framing in which our interlocutors are organized.

The objective of our conversation spaces and narrative co-productions was oriented to the identification and analysis of the tensions, resistances and challenges of the depatriarchalisation processes.

The approaches to the experiences of feminist women have shown us the need to decenter ourselves from our masculinist point of view to be able to understand the processes of depatriarchalisation from a gendered power dimension. In this key we articulate the theoretical contributions of materialistic feminism with our notion of masculinity as a device of power, in an pistemological proposal called “researching from and against masculinity”.

From the method of co-production of feminist narratives and their double contribution to the androcentric detachments and to the epatriarchalisation processes, we seek to make an original contribution to the field of feminist critical research.

Table Of Contents

Resumen /
Introducción: ¡Esto no es una tesis!

Primer apartado. Enfoques epistemo-metodológicos y teóricos de la investigación

Cap. 1- Desprendimientos androcéntricos e investigación crítica feminista
1.1. Situando las narrativas científicas androcéntricas
1.2. De la crítica al androcentrismo a la producción de narrativas situadas
1.3. La investigación crítica como práctica de articulación e intervención política
1.4. Enfoque de investigación crítica feminista

Cap. 2- Investigación feminista desde y contra la masculinidad. Hacia una epistemología anti-masculinista
2.1. Posición de conocimiento y posición de género del investigador
2.2. Hacia una epistemología anti-masculinista

Cap. 3- Co-producción de narrativas con mujeres feministas
3.1. Co-Producción de narrativas como método-proceso de investigación
3.2. Los espacios de conversación como estrategia metodológica
3.3. Nuestras interlocutoras: “Mujeres feministas de la izquierda independiente”
3.3.1. Mujeres Feministas
3.3.2. Contactos, escenarios (setting) y aspectos éticos
3.3.3. Ejes que modelaron las conversaciones
3.3.4. Izquierda Independiente
3.3.5. Izquierda Independiente, feminismos y despatriarcalización
3.3.6. Organizaciones de la izquierda independiente
3.4. Bricoleurinterpretativo y corporeización
3.5. Breves notas para orientar la producción de narrativas

Segundo apartado. Tensiones, resistencias y desafíos en los procesos de despatriarcalización
Introducción al segundo apartado

Cap. 4. Nociones comunes. Izquierda independiente, feminismos y despatriarcalización
4.1. Emergencia, particularidades y derivas de la izquierda independiente
4.2. Sobre infelices matrimonios: izquierda tradicional y feminismos
4.3. Ninguna izquierda nace feminista
4.4. Del anti-patriarcado a la despatriarcalización

Cap. 5. Tensiones en los procesos de despatriarcalización
5.1. La división sexual del trabajo militante
5.2. La tensión entre lo específico y lo transversal/integral en la política feminista
5.3. La tensión entre lo personal y lo político

Cap. 6. Resistencias masculinas a la despatriarcalización
6.1. Clasismo androcéntrico
6.2. Micromachismos, porongueo y complicidad

Cap. 7. Desafíos en los procesos de despatriarcalización
7.1. Feminizar y des-masculinizar para despatriarcalizar
7.2. Sin descolonización no hay despatriarcalización

Tercer apartado. Desprendimientos androcéntricos en la posición del investigador
Introducción al tercer apartado

Cap. 8. Desprendimientos androcéntricos en el proceso de textualización y producción de narrativas

Cap. 9. La masculinidad incomodada


Apéndice. Narrativas de mujeres feministas de la izquierda independiente

Título obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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