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Alfaro, María Inés
Ejarque, Mercedes
Spatial Coverage
183 p.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.0 Genérica (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Buenos Aires (province)
The Agricultural Family Schools are educational institutions that provide a public service and self-manage privately, following as principles the Pedagogy of Alternation and the promotion of an adequate teaching to the medium in which it is enrolled. In recent years, from the field of pedagogy have been studied some experiences of this type of institutions in limiting contexts, as well as others under the same modality of Alternation. The relationship education-work and training for work and education managed by agricultural-based social movements has also been studied. In particular, this research proposes a different approach: part of the question about how the State can absorb or share with other spheres (such as the market, the family and civil society) the responsibilities of the welfare provision. To this end, the concept of wellbeing is problematized and contributions from various authors are retaken on the production and coproduction of public policies and governance. In this way, this thesis aims to analyze governance in the provision of welfare from the case of the School of the Agricultural Family (EFA) 4155 Colonia "El Pincen", located in Salazar, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Republic Argentina, during the year 2017.
For this purpose, the case study methodology was chosen from a qualitative approach. Field visits were made and semi-structured interviews and participant observations were applied, in order to capture the speeches and meanings of the action of the different agents involved.
Through an intentional review of the specialized production on the topics addressed by this thesis, a series of conceptual axes that obey the proposed objectives were explored, from which the selected case was analyzed, trying to link the theoretical appreciations with the empirical contents.
For such intention, the history and institutional trajectory of the Salazar EFA (reconstructed in the voices of the protagonists, as well as from documentary sources) was analyzed, observing the way in which the governance is configured in the future of the school.
The exploration of the speeches of the actors was also used to investigate the mechanisms of school management, considering the institutional responsibilities assumed for the fulfillment of social rights and guarantees in education - but also in other aspects such as work, food, health and housing. In this line, the relevance of the relationships between the social action that expresses the case and the socio-economic context in which it is inscribed is evident. These relationships shape and reconfigure - over time -, for example, the powers that the EFA assumes in the assurance of the quality of life, in education and in others, but also those action-context relationships are redefining the mutual influences between "the school" (understood as the result of the action of its members) and the local sphere.
Subsequently, it delves into the pedagogical proposal and the internal organization of the management, as well as the distribution of roles, activities and responsibilities among the actors that make up the institution. Thus, it is evident how, from the Pedagogy of Alternance, the activities are molded to carry out the daily management of the school, while at the same time situations of potential conflict between actors who dispute the project intended for the school, are foreseen. rediscussion.
In turn, the links of this EFA -which express the governance mechanisms established for the provision of welfare- are analyzed, with emphasis on the links with the private sector, with the Movement of Agricultural Family Schools, with other educational institutions, with different local actors of relevance and, with the state instances of the national, provincial, and local government.
The conclusions present some findings that are oriented to the production of knowledge about the chosen EFA, as much as possible of the conditions that are opened for the welfare provision in a governance-based arrangement for said provision. Regarding the latter, and regarding the particularity of the case, the differential potential of the State (in relation to the rest of the actors involved in the governance model) is visualized in the future sustainability of the management of this institution, given the current structural limitations found, those that conspire to the detriment of their growth and the actions they plan to face in the local territory.
In sum, the case exhibits an experience of governance of proximity, and at times multilevel, which is configured from the origin of the institution and is evident in the daily management of the school, which supports a provision of concrete wellfare, although with difficulties and oscillations in its development that could eventually compromise its continuity.
For this purpose, the case study methodology was chosen from a qualitative approach. Field visits were made and semi-structured interviews and participant observations were applied, in order to capture the speeches and meanings of the action of the different agents involved.
Through an intentional review of the specialized production on the topics addressed by this thesis, a series of conceptual axes that obey the proposed objectives were explored, from which the selected case was analyzed, trying to link the theoretical appreciations with the empirical contents.
For such intention, the history and institutional trajectory of the Salazar EFA (reconstructed in the voices of the protagonists, as well as from documentary sources) was analyzed, observing the way in which the governance is configured in the future of the school.
The exploration of the speeches of the actors was also used to investigate the mechanisms of school management, considering the institutional responsibilities assumed for the fulfillment of social rights and guarantees in education - but also in other aspects such as work, food, health and housing. In this line, the relevance of the relationships between the social action that expresses the case and the socio-economic context in which it is inscribed is evident. These relationships shape and reconfigure - over time -, for example, the powers that the EFA assumes in the assurance of the quality of life, in education and in others, but also those action-context relationships are redefining the mutual influences between "the school" (understood as the result of the action of its members) and the local sphere.
Subsequently, it delves into the pedagogical proposal and the internal organization of the management, as well as the distribution of roles, activities and responsibilities among the actors that make up the institution. Thus, it is evident how, from the Pedagogy of Alternance, the activities are molded to carry out the daily management of the school, while at the same time situations of potential conflict between actors who dispute the project intended for the school, are foreseen. rediscussion.
In turn, the links of this EFA -which express the governance mechanisms established for the provision of welfare- are analyzed, with emphasis on the links with the private sector, with the Movement of Agricultural Family Schools, with other educational institutions, with different local actors of relevance and, with the state instances of the national, provincial, and local government.
The conclusions present some findings that are oriented to the production of knowledge about the chosen EFA, as much as possible of the conditions that are opened for the welfare provision in a governance-based arrangement for said provision. Regarding the latter, and regarding the particularity of the case, the differential potential of the State (in relation to the rest of the actors involved in the governance model) is visualized in the future sustainability of the management of this institution, given the current structural limitations found, those that conspire to the detriment of their growth and the actions they plan to face in the local territory.
In sum, the case exhibits an experience of governance of proximity, and at times multilevel, which is configured from the origin of the institution and is evident in the daily management of the school, which supports a provision of concrete wellfare, although with difficulties and oscillations in its development that could eventually compromise its continuity.
Título obtenido
Magister de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Políticas Sociales
Institución otorgante
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales