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Soto, Marita
206 p.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Is it possible to identify the discourses of the State about itself from its configurations in the provincial tourism development plans in Argentina between the years 2001 and 2011?
How to build comparable elements from complex systems of production of meaning? Is it possible to elaborate a comparative visualization of the modalities of intervention of the State, in its different institutional levels? How to build the image of the State that is reflected in its own discourse, based on data generated by the analysis itself?
The objective is to analyze the provincial tourism development plans of Buenos Aires Province, Córdoba, Jujuy, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tierra del Fuego between 2001 and 2011, selected for belonging to each of the six Argentine tourist regions.
The choice of the period is due to the fact that it was a foundational time of the processes of generating provincial, regional and national tourism plans. At present, the basic planning structures are maintained; the updates are reflected in the contents of the actions, which include successive new media platforms and a direct approach to the final consumer.
From this approach, we intend to identify analytical categories that can generate comparable dimensions between the different plans. And identify data that allows mapping the dimensions found translated into schemes whose graphic representations, also susceptible of comparison, express the modalities of intervention of the State embodied in its plans on tourism.
And from which emerge the discourses and formats of how the State considers its role and its image within the political construction of the tourism sector, translated into schemes (notation system).
How to build comparable elements from complex systems of production of meaning? Is it possible to elaborate a comparative visualization of the modalities of intervention of the State, in its different institutional levels? How to build the image of the State that is reflected in its own discourse, based on data generated by the analysis itself?
The objective is to analyze the provincial tourism development plans of Buenos Aires Province, Córdoba, Jujuy, Mendoza, Santa Fe and Tierra del Fuego between 2001 and 2011, selected for belonging to each of the six Argentine tourist regions.
The choice of the period is due to the fact that it was a foundational time of the processes of generating provincial, regional and national tourism plans. At present, the basic planning structures are maintained; the updates are reflected in the contents of the actions, which include successive new media platforms and a direct approach to the final consumer.
From this approach, we intend to identify analytical categories that can generate comparable dimensions between the different plans. And identify data that allows mapping the dimensions found translated into schemes whose graphic representations, also susceptible of comparison, express the modalities of intervention of the State embodied in its plans on tourism.
And from which emerge the discourses and formats of how the State considers its role and its image within the political construction of the tourism sector, translated into schemes (notation system).
Título obtenido
Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales
Institución otorgante
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales