Un nuevo capítulo del marxismo latinoamericano ante los desafíos de la coyuntura neoliberal : un análisis del discurso teóricopolítico de Álvaro García Linera (1989-2017)


Romé, Natalia
Sibertin – Blanc, Guillaume




465 p.


Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)






The following thesis is a research on Álvaro García Linera´s speeches that
covers his first writings made within the framework of the Ejército Guerrillero Tupak Katari until his term as vice-president of the plurinational State of Bolivia. It recovers the symptomatic reading proposed by Louis Althusser as an operation of critical reading and concepts of the materialist theory of discourse of Michel Pêcheux to distinguish itself from the approaches that seek a correlation between work, biography and author. It is divided into three parts that seek to account for different issues that insist throughout his texts such as the inheritance of the crisis of Marxism, the indigenous question and the State´s concept. These different thematic regions are worked from the way in which García Linera recovers Marxist theory as an operation of reflexive opening determined, in the first instance, by political practice. Along the way, the research focuses on critical observations that have been made about his work, such as the neglect of the sexual division of labor, the controversy surrounding the TIPNIS and the lack of a theory of ideology. The conjecture that García Linera's Marxism develops a problematization of historical time through reflections on figures of time, the status of the present and plural temporality is explored.

Título obtenido

Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales

Institución otorgante

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

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