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Findling, Liliana
282 p.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (autonomus city)
The process of population aging and care constitute a social problem that has not historically occupied a prominent space on the public and political agenda. Various programs aimed at this population have exhibited little integration and systematization, in addition to containing among their objectives a homogeneous view of old age, associated with a passive period in the life of the subjects.
The distribution of well-being among different actors (State, market, families and civil society) has shown that it is the families in which the greatest workload is placed. The care that older people is often seen as a private and family problem that falls mainly and especially on women. This situation has provoked reflections from different perspectives and approaches, especially from the theories of gender and care. The institutional proposals, from the market and the State, have originally been associated with permanent residences. However, since the late twentieth century, policies have been developed aimed at older people that are presented as alternatives to institutionalization, promoting a new way of understanding old age: active aging. These policies try to cover various needs of the elderly (economic and social) and have certain peculiarities. The “Programa Centros de Día” (dependent on the “Secretaría de Integración Social – Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Hábitat – Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) is included in this approach but, in its original proposal, it did not refer to the issue of the cares.
This research sought to answer the following question: how are the care programs dedicated to the elderly in public institutions in the City of Buenos Aires developed and what characteristics do they adopt today? The general objective is to analyze and understand the actions and strategies of care for the elderly and their relationship with the concept of old age, developed by the actors responsible for the "Programa Centros de Día" and the opinions and trajectories carried out by users, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) today.
The distribution of well-being among different actors (State, market, families and civil society) has shown that it is the families in which the greatest workload is placed. The care that older people is often seen as a private and family problem that falls mainly and especially on women. This situation has provoked reflections from different perspectives and approaches, especially from the theories of gender and care. The institutional proposals, from the market and the State, have originally been associated with permanent residences. However, since the late twentieth century, policies have been developed aimed at older people that are presented as alternatives to institutionalization, promoting a new way of understanding old age: active aging. These policies try to cover various needs of the elderly (economic and social) and have certain peculiarities. The “Programa Centros de Día” (dependent on the “Secretaría de Integración Social – Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Hábitat – Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) is included in this approach but, in its original proposal, it did not refer to the issue of the cares.
This research sought to answer the following question: how are the care programs dedicated to the elderly in public institutions in the City of Buenos Aires developed and what characteristics do they adopt today? The general objective is to analyze and understand the actions and strategies of care for the elderly and their relationship with the concept of old age, developed by the actors responsible for the "Programa Centros de Día" and the opinions and trajectories carried out by users, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) today.
Título obtenido
Doctora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en Ciencias Sociales
Institución otorgante
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales